It’s almost here! The 2012 Olympia weekend is quickly approaching. September 27-30 in Las Vegas is going to be one mother of an exhibition! Loaded with a ton of action-packed events, this year’s Olympia will rock Vegas like never before. From Mr. Olympia to Bikini Olympia, you’ll see the best of the best showcasing their extraordinary physiques.

If you’re into bodybuilding, you need to be in Vegas, September 27-30 for the Olympia weekend. Here are just some of the top names you can expect to see compete for the 2012 Mr. Olympia title.

Lionel Beyeke, Evan Centopani, Jay Cutler, Kai Greene, Phil Heath, Dexter Jackson, Johnnie Jackson, Michael Kefalianos, Victor Martinez, Cedric McMillan, Juan Morel, Essa Obiad, Ronny Rockel, Branch Warren, Bill Wilmore, and Dennis Wolf.

For complete details of all scheduled events, click here.

Check out two of the all-time greats as they square off at a past Olympia, and flex some incredible muscle. Who do you think had the better overall physique?

Get all the details about the 2012 Olympia Weekend, click here.