If you walked up to just about any guy in a gym and tried to correct his exercise form, the ensuing conversation probably wouldn’t be a pleasant one. But if Zuzana “Zuzka” Light tried to give a few unsolicited pointers to the average gym rat, we’re guessing he wouldn’t have a problem with it. It’s no wonder how Zuzka, of ZuzkaLight.com, has racked up more than half a billion views on YouTube; her ridiculously fit body, good looks, and warm personality make it easy for any guy to while away the hours brushing up on proper exercise form—even if he’s already an expert. In this exclusive video shot for muscleandfitness.com, Zuzka demonstrates a simple but effective metabolic conditioning circuit and tells you why you should get her new DVD set, the ZCUT Power Cardio Series—as a gift for the lady in your life, or maybe just for yourself.