Suspended Chinup

The suspended chinup is a variation of a standard chinup that utilizes free rotating handles. The exercise increases strength in the back, biceps, forearms, and shoulders. Suspension handles allow for a free range of motion.


  1. 6121_A
    Attach a suspension system to a pullup bar. Grip the handles using a neutral grip so that your palms are facing each other and your hands are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Hang from the handles with your arms fully-extended.
  2. Suspended Chinup
    Drive your elbows down and pull yourself up until your chest becomes even with the handles. Rotate your hands so that your palms face you at top of position. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position.

Trainer’s Tips

  • Be certain to rotate your hands so that your palms face you at top of position.
  • Don't stop short of the top position. Finish the rep by pulling your chest to the handles.
  • Don't stop short of the bottom position. Come to a dead hang at the bottom.