My wrists are in pain after performing front squats. How can I improve wrist strength and flexibility? 

Neglecting joint mobility leads to tight wrists, which can worsen after doing exercises that strain them, like KB presses and front squats. Use these tips to improve your wrist’s mobility, or train around the problem. 

  1. Try wrist circles. Interlock your fingers and hold your hands in front of you with a 90° bend in your elbows. Slowly create circles with your wrists, keeping your fingers locked. These can be performed pre- and post-workout, or any time of the day.
  2. If you can’t achieve a front rack position for the front squat, wrap two straps around the bar and cinch them tight by pulling on the long end. Grab the end of the straps from a front rack position, driving your elbows up to create a shelf for the bar to sit on.
  3. Another option is to use the cross-armed technique, which takes the wrists completely out of the equation. Rest the bar across your upper chest and deltoids and then fold your arms over one another, ensuring that your elbows are up, to keep the bar stable