I would never discourage anyone from doing any form of physical activity. But to get results that stick, it doesn’t get any better than compound exercises.

Before you decide to work with a personal trainer, ask him or her to explain his or her fitness philosophy to see if it’s in alignment with your own.

At one time I wanted to be known as the toughest trainer around. But to be a good trainer, you don’t have to kill people in the gym.

“Strength training empowers you.” An 83-year-old woman said that to me, and she was on point.

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I started working out strictly for the ladies. But as years went by it became about health. Later, after I began training elderly clients, it became about affecting other people and promoting positive change. Now it’s about trying to feel as young as possible.

Don’t be afraid to use the body; it’s under our command and will obey what we direct it to do.

Power to the Lifter

One guy works out, and the other one doesn’t, but both of them have the same shoulder injury. The guy who doesn’t work out—his body is telling him to be more active. The one who does—it’s telling him to relax because he’s doing too much.

Can you name an exercise that stimulates metabolism, growth hormone, and testosterone? Yoga doesn’t do all those things. Running doesn’t do everything. Strength training is the only one.

SEE ALSO: Boost the testosterone Within>>>

Achieving your fitness goals will take however long it’s going to take. I can work with whatever you bring me. You want to train once a week? I’ll make you a program that’ll produce results in two to three years. Twice a week? It might take a year. Five times per week? Three to six months.

Do you want to have fun, or do you want to work out? I don’t deprive myself of what my body wants. Fighting that urge only makes things worse. So I have my moments with Carvel. I feed that desire and quench that thirst—just not all the time.

Some trainers will give you a workout filled with exercises they would never do. I practice what I preach. I’d never tell you to do an exercise that I’m incapable of doing. My goal as a trainer is to train your body to be your most trusted personal trainer.

Squatting barefoot works the muscles in my feet, which helps with balance. I have trained barefoot for the past 2½ years. For me, it’s the best way to train. Powerlifting taught me to be more connected to my body.

Feeling the Power

Adjibade plans to enter the 181-pound class of the 2016 2-Day Jersey Rumble in May—his first powerlifting competition in 10 years. His previous recorded bests include a 380-pound bench press, a 623-pound deadlift, and a 529-pound squat.

MORE INFO: Adjibade is a fitness consultant in Chatham, NJ. Twitter: @AmericasTrainer, E-mail: mrfitness@mrfitness247.com