From Kobe Bryant and Draymond Green to Aaron Rodgers and Olympian DeeDee Trotter, it seems tons of athletes embrace acupuncture these days. Experts agree the centuries-long Chinese technique—which uses hair-thin needles inserted at set points to rebalance our qi, or energy—can have a myriad of benefits.

And now, high-performing athletes use it to soothe muscle soreness, maintain health, and boost their athletic performance, too. But is it worth bringing into your wellness regimen?

For some, it might seem a superfluous expense, with the average acupuncture session costing $50 to $90 a session; Consumer Reports says that people spend $200 on average over the course of an entire treatment. Some insurances plans cover it, but it might seem a steep price for something that only might help.

However, when viewed as a way to optimize your overall health routine in a more holistic way, acupuncture may help you uplevel your fitness to exciting new heights. We rounded up a few studies and spoke with Dr. Kirsten Paynter, consultant and assistant professor at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Mayo Clinic Arizona, about acupuncture’s benefits. Here’s how to figure out if it’s worth it for you.

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