The girl in this photo doesn’t just look great with a bikini and a board. Nope, Hannah Cornett can actually surf. She finished second in the Western Surfing Association’s semi-pro division in ’06 and will likely go pro soon. She’s also an actress with a movie, Pipeline, coming out later this year. Hannah took a break from the breakers to fill us in on her . . .

>> First wave: “When you’re acting, people are always making you feel like crap,” Hannah says. “I wanted to feel I was accomplishing something, so I got into triathlons, but then I chipped my knee mountain biking and picked up surfing. When I started, little kids were zooming past me, making me look like an idiot. But I surfed [Hawaii’s legendary] North Shore this summer.”

>> New flick: “It’s a horror movie. These guys take their friend’s board during night surfing as a joke, and he gets carried out to sea and dies. They end up getting killed one at a time while surfing.” Hannah plays one of the guy’s girlfriends, and there’s no stunt double for her surfing scenes.

>> Fitness habit: “I get up at 4 a.m. and bike several times a week. Then I hit the gym at 6 and do weight training. I try to do something at night as well.”

>> Guy standards: “I can’t sit indoors for very long. I’m a beach baby. If he doesn’t like water, it’s not gonna work. And I’m spontaneous. He has to be able to pick up and take off with me.” Note to self: Buy two tickets to Vegas, stat! M&F