You never miss a workout, even if you don’t have the luxury of your gym or familiar surrounding’s. We understand that all too well. As much as we run around trying to bring you, the reader the best in Training and Nutrition, we have to get creative ourselves. Just because you are traveling does not mean that you can make an excuse to train with less intensity, or for that matter not train at all. With the easy use and versatility of the M&F Strength Bands, the M&F Trainer, and a few tips from our Lab rat James Grage, you can get a workout literally from anywhere.

In this episode James gets a few pointers from one of our own, and takes some of the BSN guys Brendan, and Eric through a tough routine with yet another workout from the M&F Trainer. So grab your M&F Strength Band Kit and get ready to check out how the M&F Lab Rat takes you on the road at the Olympia.