You can enjoy 10 complimentary page views on Flexonline by turning off your ad blocker.

Below are instructions for how to switch off your ad blocker when on Flexonline. They will allow you to continue to use AdBlock or AdBlock Plus without the need to manually disable the extension when accessing the site.

Choose the web browser below that you are accessing for full instructions on how to turn off AdBlock or AdBlock Plus on Flexonline:


Using AdBlock Plus:

·       Select the AdBlock Plus icon on the top right of your browser.

·       A drop-down menu will show up.

·       Select “Disable on”

·       Refresh the Flexonline page you were looking at.

Using AdBlock:

·       Select the AdBlock icon on the top right of your browser.

·       A drop-down menu will appear.

·       Select “Don’t run on pages on this domain.”

·       Once selected, a pop-up will appear.  

·       Select “Exclude” and the page will refresh.

·       You may have to refresh the Flexonline page you were viewing.

“Private Window” Viewing:

·       Firefox "Private Window" runs its own version of ad block. You will see an ad-block-detection screen on your private window, even if you are not using any ad-block plugins. If this happens, you will need to open Flexonline in your standard Firefox window.

“Tracking Prevention”:

·       You can temporarily disable “Tracking Prevention” on a one-time-only basis by selecting the “shield” icon in the url bar if viewable and following the instructions.

Google Chrome

Using AdBlock Plus:

·       Select the AdBlock Plus icon on the top right of your browser.

·       A menu will drop down with a green check mark followed by “Enabled on this site.”

·       Choose “Enabled on this site” to disable ad blocking for the site you are on. This checkmark will turn red, followed by “Disabled on this site.”

·       Refresh the Flexonline page you were viewing.

Using AdBlock:

·       Select the AdBlock icon on the top right of your browser.

·       A drop-down menu will appear.

·       Select “Don’t run on pages on this domain.”

·       Once clicked, a pop-up will appear. Select “Exclude” and the page will refresh.

·       If necessary, refresh the Flexonline page you were looking at.

Internet Explorer

Using AdBlock Plus:

·       Select the AdBlock Plus icon on the top right of your browser.

·       A drop-down menu will show up.

·       Select “Disable on”

·       Refresh the Flexonline page you were accessing.

Using AdBlock:

·       Select the AdBlock icon on the top right of your browser.

·       A drop-down menu will show up.

·       Select “Don’t run on pages on this domain.”

·       Once selected, a pop-up will show up.  

·       Select “Exclude” and the page will refresh.

·       It may be required to refresh the Flexonline page you were accessing.


Using AdBlock Plus:

·       Select on the AdBlock Plus icon in the Safari toolbar.

·       A drop-down menu will show up with a check mark followed by “Enabled on this site.”

·       Select “Enabled on this site” to disable ad blocking for the site you are on. This will change it to “Disabled on this site.”

·       Refresh the Flexonline page you were reading or watching.

Using AdBlock:

·       Select on the AdBlock icon in the top right of your browser.

·       A drop-down menu will show up.

·       Select “Don’t run on pages on this domain.”

·       Once selected, a pop-up will appear.  

·       Select “Exclude” and the page will refresh.

·       It may be required to refresh the Flexonline page you were accessing.

Devices with Apple IOS9 and above

·       Click the Settings app icon on the main screen.

·       Select the Safari button.

·       From Menu, select “Content Blockers”

·       You will see that your blocker is enabled. Move button to the left to disable.

·       Go back to your Safari browser and refresh the Flexonline page.


·       Select the Ghostery icon on your browser.

·       In Ghostery versions earlier than 6.0, select “Whitelist site.”

·       In Ghostery version 6.0, select “Trust site.”

·       In versions earlier than 6.0, you will see the message “Site is whitelisted.” Select “reload the page to identify your changes.”

·       Refresh the Flexonline page you were accessing.

uBlock / uBlock Origin

·       Select the uBlock / uBlock Origin symbol on your browser.

·       Select the “power” button in the menu that appears to whitelist the website you are on.

·       Refresh the Flexonline page you were accessing.


·       Select the Disconnect symbol on your browser.

·       Select “Whitelist site.”

·       Refresh the Flexonline page you were accessing.

Corporate-level ad blocking

Some companies may incorporate ad blockers that you can’t manipulate. If this happens, we suggest that you reach out to the IT support team and ask that they whitelist the domain.