What's Evan Centopani's Next Step?

Evan Centopani has found himself in a pickle. Failing to make the top 6 at the 2012 Mr Olympia, Centopani has to compete – and place well – sometime this year in order to qualify for the 2013 Mr Olympia. Centpoani previously announced he had no intention of competing in the 2013 Arnold Classic, to allow for a better and longer off-season. Therefore, he planned on competing at the Hartford Europa – a relatively easy competition for an Arnold Classic 3rd place finisher.

However, as the saying goes, the "best-laid plans of mice and men oft go astray."

The Europa Hartford is cancelled. What's Centopani to do? Based on his plan to compete around the end of June, Centopani has several options:

1. He can travel to Chicago and compete in the Wings of Strength July 5th.

2. Wait until August and compete in one of three competitions: PBW Championships, Europa Dallas, or the Nordic Pro Championships.

3. Or he can bite the bullet, start his prep now and compete in the Arnold Classic Brazil.

It's a tough decision for an IFBB pro who's only competed five times in five years since he's turned pro. That includes skipping the stage in 2008 and 2010, and it shows. Centopani's stage presence has room for improvement and his posing lacks personality and precision. Centopani may have placed better at the 2012 Arnold had he not tripped over himself during his 3 minute routine which was more like a walk back and forth as if guest posing at a local contest. He may want to consider hiring a posing routine coach as Branch Warren did for his last few shows. It added some pizazz to his normally very serious routine.

Centopani has the tools to be great. Jay Cutler once said that Evan is the next up and coming Mr Olympia. With the proper tutelage by a mentor and a higher tenacity to get on stage and compete, Centopani could challenge Phil Heath one day. But at this rate, that day is way off in the future, if ever.

Evan has a lot of fans. And the one thing fans want to see are their idols up on stage competing and fighting for their continued fan-ship let alone titles that go along with the popularity.

On the other hand, Shawn Rhoden is the number 3 bodybuilder right now and he competed EIGHT times in 2012.

Centopani needs to get on stage in order to establish himself as a professional bodybuilder that is here to dominate the sport. His 8th place finish at the 2012 Mr Olympia supports this.

If we want Centopani to succeed, and many of us do, Evan needs to get on stage more often and show he is an Ox to be recond with on the bodybuilding stage.

Guessing Evan will pick option One, I'll be there in Chicago ready to photograph Evan's win.