At this point in your life, you’ve got the kissing basics down pat: brush your teeth, slap on some Chapstick, and take it easy with the tongue.

But when was the last time you actually put any effort into upping your kissing game beyond the basics? If you’re like most men, kissing technique isn’t something you’ve thought about for years. Decades, even.

10 moves she's begging you to make during foreplay

10 moves she’s begging you to make during fo...

Foreplay isn't just a game of "grab ‘n go."

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That’s a shame, because being a great kisser is a highly underrated quality in a man. If you’re ready to take your kissing to the next level, here are 13 tips that will ignite your sex life.

Vanessa Marin is a licensed psychotherapist and sex therapist.