We tapped into some of the best resources in the fitness community to provide some quick, motivational advice to help push you through the 60 Days. Strengthen your mind and supplement your body with these surefire recommendations during your 60 day journey.

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Sports psychology expert and author of The Champion’s Mind: How Great Athletes Think, Train, and Thrive has some tips on how you can reach your fitness goals:

Decide to Commit

Motivation is what gets you going, but commitment is what gets you to the finish line. Champions are committed, others are just involved. Decide that you have no choice but to succeed.

Embrace Discomfort

We’re conditioned that if we’re uncomfortable something is wrong, but it means something is right. We’re being challenged and pushed. Breathe into the pain or discomfort and realize it’s only temporary, and that pleasure and pride are on the other end.

Talk Yourself Up

The mind controls everything else. Use strong body language and positive self-talk to keep going when you don’t feel motivated.

Outthink Your No. 1 Excuse

“I don’t have the energy” is the main excuse you’ll give yourself to skip a workout. But you’ll have have more energy after the workout and you’ll feel better about having done the work.

Make it a Game

Think of the first two weeks as the preseason, the following four weeks as the regular season, the next three weeks as the playoffs, and the final week as the championships.


The former Navy SEAL Team Commander and author of Be Unstoppable: The Eight Essential Actions to Succeed at Anything has these tips to help you get over the line.

Control the Controllables

Focus on what you can control: your body, your brain, and your attitude. If you take out the laws of physics the only two limitations we have are our own imagination and determination.

Do It for Yourself

Don’t kill yourself trying to achieve an arbitrary goal that sounds cool to other people. You’re not doing it for other people, you’re doing it for yourself.

Small Steps

Most people throw a goal into one big heaping dose. and then they get frustrated and give up because it’s too overwhelming. When you start defining the elements [of the goal] and breaking it down into bite-sized pieces that you can complete each day, the goal becomes manageable.

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Add supplements to your training and nutrition.

We just want to start by stating that you do not need to take supplements in order to achieve success with this program. Proper nutrition and a solid training plan can help you build muscle, lose fat, and gain strength without the aid of supplementation. However, supplements do offer a variety benefits that can help you along the way in your fitness journey:

1)    Convenience: Whether you are on the run, at work, taking care of the kids, have school/exams, or whatever it may be, we’re all busy. Supplements make it more convenient to get some of the key nutrients your body needs, on demand.

2)    Motivation: Supplements can give you that extra edge you need to push harder.

3)    Accelerate Your Progress: Adding in these extra key nutrients can help you get to your goal faster and provide your body with the nutrients you may not normally get in your daily diet.

Let’s quickly touch on what supplements WON’T do for you:

1)    They won’t substitute hard work. You still have to put in the time.

2)    They won’t make your arms grow or your abs show within a month’s time.

3)    They won’t give you superpowers.

Now that we have that cleared up, let’s talk about the specifics. 


  • Best time to take it: Immediately before, during, or immediately after your workout.
  • What does it do? BCAAs assist in muscle recovery, boosting endurance levels, and improving exercise performance. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, so adding in BCAAs to your diet can help you retain lean muscle, reduce soreness, and help your body recover faster.


    BPI best Creatine
  • Best time to take it: Before or after your workout.
  • What does it do? Creatine functions as an energy source in your muscle cells, helping improve muscular output and reduce fatigue during rigorous physical exertion. Adding creatine to your regimen can help you build more strength and increase lean muscle. 


BPI Protein
  • Best time to take it: Immediately after your workout, or between meals for increased muscle building support
  • What does it do? Protein provides your body with fuel for lean muscle building and post exercise recovery. Protein shakes make for a convenient way to get your protein in when you are aiming to optimize your post-workout recovery window. 


    BPI Best Glutamine
  • Best time to take it: If unflavored, your glutamine can be mixed into your protein shake immediately after your workout (the best time to take glutamine), or taken separately. Glutamine can also be taken before or during your workout.
  • What does it do? Glutamine is the most abundance amino acid in the body and one of the top amino acids for muscle recovery. Glutamine helps the recovery process move along faster while allowing your body to retain lean muscle mass and prevent muscle breakdown. 

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