Your best workouts don’t happen by chance—they come with planning. Before you head to the gym, you have to prepare both your mind and body for the work to come. You need to get in the amino acids and other nutrients that help fuel your muscles to perform at their peak, and you also need supplements that support energy and focus. The solution is to take a range of pre-workout supplements, including creatine, beta-alanine, nitric oxide (NO) boosters and caffeine and its analogs. Read more about what each of these ingredients provides.


This amino acid supports strength and endurance, but research also demonstrates that taking beta-alanine with creatine improves the benefits over taking either alone. Beta-alanine works synergistically with creatine to support muscle mass while reducing body fat and combines with histidine to form carnosine, which studies show increases strength.

Nitric Oxide

Nitric oxide boosters allow more blood, oxygen, and nutrients to reach working muscles. In your body, amino acids such as arginine readily convert to nitric oxide. Agmatine, an arginine derivative, also boosts NO and has been shown in some studies to have certain antidepressant effects.


Drives production
of ATP, increasing workout volume. Creatine is an energy substrate formed by three amino acids (arginine, glycine,
and methionine). During workouts, creatine donates phosphate to adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy that fires muscle contractions. Look for creatine monohydrate and/or creatine HCl.

Razor8 Allmax

Razor8 from Allmax Nutrition delivers all of these ingredients in one pre-workout product. Each scoop provides 5g of creatine, as well as efficacious doses of other ingredients (including 272mg of caffeine anhydrous, in addition to caffeine analogs).

Mix key-lime-cherry-flavored Razor8 with 4–6 ounces of water, and drink before training.

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