28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read article>> With a heart-quickening 36-26-36 figure, Amanda Carrier possesses more scenic curves than a canyon joyride. But fist-gnawing beauty isnÂt the only reason to go gaga over this brown-eyed Louisiana girl. A few others:
>> SheÂs a training fiend: ÂI love weights, says Amanda, whose five workouts a week firm up a body that can be seen on Coors Light billboards and in the upcoming indie film Dream State. ÂItÂs like, my favorite thing. I love to lift heavy. I love to be strong. I love how muscles add so much shape to your body. ItÂs sexy to me.Â
>> She can admit past mistakes: ÂWhen I was younger, I liked tall, thin guys, but now I like guys more my height and jacked up.Â
>> She stands by her man (top amateur bodybuilder Stan McQuay): ÂStan says IÂm the reason heÂs going to win Nationals this year. IÂve been feeding him well, and IÂm his training partner. So you can write that down.Â
>> SheÂs a natural masseuse: ÂI have really strong hands  itÂs something IÂve always been told  and I have really good forearms, so I can give deep-tissue massages. I even incorporate my feet and elbows and stuff like that. Great . . . weÂll bring the oil! M&F
A few more reasons to love Amanda Carrier.
SheÂll fix you dinner . . . : ÂIÂm an excellent cook. IÂm from Louisiana, so every once in a while IÂll make Cajun food. My best dishes are etouffee and jambalaya.Â
. . . and bring it to your door: ÂWhen I was 17, I delivered pizzas for Pizza Hut. Were customers happy to see you? ÂActually, no, they werenÂt, because usually I was so late, they didnÂt care how cute I was!Â
She takes vacation seriously: ÂI have to get in shape because weÂre going to Hawaii for two weeks. I want to look sexy in my bikini. ThereÂs going to be tons of beautiful Hawaiian girls. I need to look hot!Â
SheÂs got dietary discipline: ÂI eat pretty clean. I eat regular egg whites and brown-sugar oatmeal for breakfast, and IÂll put berries in it. And then for lunch IÂll have some tuna and brown rice, some green beans or broccoli, and then IÂll have chicken and sweet potatoes. Later IÂll have fish and broccoli, and then IÂll have a protein shake  IÂll blend it up and IÂll put glutamine in it. Finally IÂll have a sugar-free Popsicle or candy before I go to bed.Â
She appreciates the little things: ÂThe [M&F photo] shoot was fun. It was really cold. I was washing the car, but it was so freezing. But it was still fun; everyone said it was very Jessica Simpson-like. They warmed up the water for me  they were so sweet. They boiled water for me. It was really nice. And then at the end we just wanted to get the shoot over with, so I thought, ÂForget it, IÂll just use cold water.ÂÂ
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