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Read articleThe Buffest and Baddest Horror Movie Monsters Ever
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In the spirit of the Halloween season, we sought to compile a list of the biggest and baddest horror movie monsters to hack and slash their way across the silver screen. While most had the help of their favorite carving tool, these murderous monsters also used their super size and strength to carry out their blood curdling carnage. So, tread carefully as you see which oversized psychos had the intimidating physique to earn a killer spot on our list.SEE ALSO: The 14 Most Jacked Movie Villains of All-Time>>
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For over 30 years, this quiet killer used his knife and can-do attitude to lay a path of gory destruction every Halloween. Big, strong and unstoppable, Myers and his expressionless mask stand among the most menacing psychos to ever terrorize a sleepy town. He may not have been the quickest on his feet, but once the maniacal Myers made up his mind to finish you off, there was no escaping his wrath.SEE ALSO: Epic Marvel vs. DC Superhero Mashup Trailer>>
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As big as a barn, this monstrous lunatic really didn’t need a chainsaw to dismember his victims. One of the original iconic slasher movie serial killers, Leatherface was inspired by real-life mass murderer Ed Gein. Just like many other formidable freaks with a thirst for blood, Leatherface is known for wearing a mask to conceal his identity; only this particular face shield was made of human skin. But what he was most known for was his preferred power-tool. Once fired up, it was just a matter of time before the chainsaw could be heard slicing through flesh and bone.SEE ALSO: Five Fittest Hollywood Monsters>>
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With his big frame, excellent hand-eye coordination and protective goalie mask, Jason would have made a terrific hockey player. Unfortunately for a host of not-so-happy campers, he chose a different path – one that often involved horny teens, a thirst for blood, and a very large machete – never a good combination for an enjoyable summer camp experience.SEE ALSO: 11 Halloween Costumes to Showcase Your Muscles>>
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The original Hollywood monster with the massive frame and prominent neck bolts, this conglomeration of body parts put the fear of God into the peaceful European village in which he was created. In his drive to reanimate the dead, young scientist Henry Frankenstein and his dim-witted, hunchback assistant piece together a human body collected from various sources. All seemed to be going well until the brain of a criminal was used instead of the preferred normal one. The end result was a very large and strong man with a bad temper when pushed.SEE ALSO: Aaron Eckhart’s Monster Workout for I, Frankenstein>>
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This legendary swamp monster living deep in the rural regions of New Orleans sports an intimidating physique under his bloodstained, blue overalls. With his superhuman strength, handy hatchet and diminished intellect, Victor Crowley goes on a merciless killing spree; dismembering and decapitating a group of tourists who unwittingly stumble upon the madman’s property. The hideously disfigured Crowley is a killing machine that shows no mercy but plenty of creativity when it comes to finishing off his victims.SEE ALSO: The 14 Most Jacked Movie Villains of All-Time>>
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Standing 6’4” and weighing in at 350 lbs, The Creeper is one big badass who uses his size, muscle, wings, and teeth to inflict a lot of misery on the poor souls who stumble across his path in rural Florida. The good news is, this flesh and organ ingesting demon only feeds every 23 years, but when he does, it’s not pretty. To regenerate his aging body, The Creeper needs to eat a variety of body parts from his many victims.SEE ALSO: Five Fittest Hollywood Monsters>>
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Known for his huge, blood-red, triangular mask, Pyramid Head may lack a voice, but he certainly doesn’t lack the size and strength to tear apart his foes with his bare hands and the massive sword-like knife he often carries. The towering monster’s appearance stems from the town’s past as a place of death where Pyramid Head carried out his executions.
In the spirit of the Halloween season, we sought to compile a list of the biggest and baddest horror movie monsters to hack and slash their way across the silver screen. While most had the help of their favorite carving tool, these murderous monsters also used their super size and strength to carry out their blood curdling carnage. So, tread carefully as you see which oversized psychos had the intimidating physique to earn a killer spot on our list.
For over 30 years, this quiet killer used his knife and can-do attitude to lay a path of gory destruction every Halloween. Big, strong and unstoppable, Myers and his expressionless mask stand among the most menacing psychos to ever terrorize a sleepy town. He may not have been the quickest on his feet, but once the maniacal Myers made up his mind to finish you off, there was no escaping his wrath.
As big as a barn, this monstrous lunatic really didn’t need a chainsaw to dismember his victims. One of the original iconic slasher movie serial killers, Leatherface was inspired by real-life mass murderer Ed Gein. Just like many other formidable freaks with a thirst for blood, Leatherface is known for wearing a mask to conceal his identity; only this particular face shield was made of human skin. But what he was most known for was his preferred power-tool. Once fired up, it was just a matter of time before the chainsaw could be heard slicing through flesh and bone.
SEE ALSO: Five Fittest Hollywood Monsters>>
With his big frame, excellent hand-eye coordination and protective goalie mask, Jason would have made a terrific hockey player. Unfortunately for a host of not-so-happy campers, he chose a different path – one that often involved horny teens, a thirst for blood, and a very large machete – never a good combination for an enjoyable summer camp experience.
The original Hollywood monster with the massive frame and prominent neck bolts, this conglomeration of body parts put the fear of God into the peaceful European village in which he was created. In his drive to reanimate the dead, young scientist Henry Frankenstein and his dim-witted, hunchback assistant piece together a human body collected from various sources. All seemed to be going well until the brain of a criminal was used instead of the preferred normal one. The end result was a very large and strong man with a bad temper when pushed.
SEE ALSO: Aaron Eckhart’s Monster Workout for I, Frankenstein>>
This legendary swamp monster living deep in the rural regions of New Orleans sports an intimidating physique under his bloodstained, blue overalls. With his superhuman strength, handy hatchet and diminished intellect, Victor Crowley goes on a merciless killing spree; dismembering and decapitating a group of tourists who unwittingly stumble upon the madman’s property. The hideously disfigured Crowley is a killing machine that shows no mercy but plenty of creativity when it comes to finishing off his victims.
Standing 6’4” and weighing in at 350 lbs, The Creeper is one big badass who uses his size, muscle, wings, and teeth to inflict a lot of misery on the poor souls who stumble across his path in rural Florida. The good news is, this flesh and organ ingesting demon only feeds every 23 years, but when he does, it’s not pretty. To regenerate his aging body, The Creeper needs to eat a variety of body parts from his many victims.
SEE ALSO: Five Fittest Hollywood Monsters>>
Known for his huge, blood-red, triangular mask, Pyramid Head may lack a voice, but he certainly doesn’t lack the size and strength to tear apart his foes with his bare hands and the massive sword-like knife he often carries. The towering monster’s appearance stems from the town’s past as a place of death where Pyramid Head carried out his executions.
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