28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleI first talked to Joe Weider, the world’s greatest magazine publisher in the bodybuilding and fitness industry, on the phone in 1975 when I was just 16 years old. I thanked Joe for the valuable information that he shared with his readers, and told him how much his training principles helped me reach my physique goals. To my surprise, Joe put my letter in Muscle Builder Magazine (now known as Muscle & Fitness). I told Joe I was going to enter the 1978 Teenage Mr. Michigan contest, and asked if he could help me with my training and diet.
One of the greatest tips that Joe gave me, was to put a 10-pound weight behind my head when I do my sit ups, to make my abdominals very thick. Utilizing that advice, I won the Teenage Mr. Michigan “Best Abdominals” trophy in 1978, at the age of 19. Joe put me in Muscle Builder Magazine with a photo and write-up of my accomplishment.
Each year I travel to California, where photographer Rich Hogan takes new photos of me to show my improvements. I’d send them to Joe, and he would put a photo in M&F or FLEX. I went on to write a booklet called Developing Prize Winning Abdominals, and Joe was kind enough to give me some free ad space, helping my booklet sell worldwide.
Joe Weider was such a smart person, and so very kind. We stayed in touch right up until the end, when he passed away on March 23, 2013. Joe Weider was the greatest, and his incredible life’s work lives on through the pages of Muscle & Fitness and FLEX Magazine.
A Tribute to My Great Friend, Joe Weider
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Photos courtesy of Doug Brolus
Photos courtesy of Doug Brolus
Photos courtesy of Doug Brolus
Photos courtesy of Doug Brolus
Photos courtesy of Doug Brolus
Photos courtesy of Doug Brolus
Photos courtesy of Doug Brolus
Courtesy of Doug Brolus
Courtesy of Doug Brolus