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Read articleFollow this Shoulder Giant Set Routine on three consecutive days, then give them a week’s rest. First they’ll hate you, then, after the soreness subsides, they’ll ask for more.
April 18, 2008
Written by FLEX Staff
Follow this Shoulder Giant Set Routine on three consecutive days, then give them a week’s rest. First they’ll hate you, then, after the soreness subsides, they’ll ask for more.
Perform each exercise for the prescribed number of reps then move directly on to the next without resting in between. Do this three times, resting no more than a minute between each giant set. After three cycles, pick yourself up off the floor and gently stretch your shoulders to push even more blood into them. Now you can lie down on the floor again.
TARGET AREA: Lateral deltoid heads
REPS: 15
* Stay rigidly upright. Do not rock back and forth and do not swing or throw the dumbbells upward.
* Keep your traps out of it by lowering your shoulders, not hunching them. Make sure only the lateral heads of your delts do the lifting.
* Think in terms of stiff-arm “pressing” the dumbbells outward and upward, not pulling them upward.
* Raise them to shoulder level, no higher.
* Hold the dumbbells level. If they tilt, resistance is removed from the lateral heads.
* Lower them slowly, resisting with all your might.
* A favorite killer growth-shock program is a month’s worth of down-the-rack descending sets with these.
TARGET AREA: Overall deltoid mass
REPS: 10
* Since a barbell is not present to distribute weight, your balance will not be as stable; therefore, it’s even more important for you to firmly brace your back and tighten your abs.
* Go as heavy as possible, so that you have to press straight up and straight back down to the top of your deltoids. If you can push outward through an arc, you need more weight.
* If you’re not getting a burn in your deltoids, you’re doing it wrong.
* My best results are from 12-rep sets. If you go too heavy, the pressing shifts from deltoid contractions to presses by your triceps and leverage from your upper back.
Continue to Page 2
Follow this Shoulder Giant Set Routine on three consecutive days, then give them a week’s rest. First they’ll hate you, then, after the soreness subsides, they’ll ask for more.
April 16, 2008
Written by FLEX Staff
TARGET AREA: Anterior deltoid head
REPS: 10
* Stabilize your body. Do not rock back and forth or swing the dumbbells. Only your arms should move.
* Shoulders down. Do not lift with your shoulder or traps. Feel it in the anterior head only.
* Arms straight. Do not bend your elbows.
* Start the raise from bottom dead center, not behind you; then lift straight ahead, barely breaking horizontal.
* Keep the dumbbell handles horizontal at all times.
* Resist hard as you lower, bringing the dumbbell to a stop exactly where it began.
* To shock your anterior heads into growth, throw in four sets of these on chest day, immediately following bench presses; then hit them again on shoulders day with four sets of 12 reps.
Posterior deltoid heads
REPS: 15
* Bend over so that your chest rests on your knees. Do not pull up by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Make your posterior deltoid muscles do the lifting.
* Raise the dumbbells straight out to the sides and as high as possible; try to get a peak contraction, then resist during the descent.
* Use continuous tension. Never allow the dumbbells to swing under your legs.
* Aim for 10 reps, but get 12.
* An ideal exercise for supersets.
Continue to Page 3
Follow this Shoulder Giant Set Routine on three consecutive days, then give them a week’s rest. First they’ll hate you, then, after the soreness subsides, they’ll ask for more.
April 16, 2008
Written by FLEX Staff
* Whatever your level, train shoulders twice a week on nonconsecutive days.
* Warm up prior to the workout by completing two light sets of seated barbell presses: 20 reps each.
* If you are an experienced bodybuilder of three or more years, you can jump. right into Ronnie’s workouts listed on page 116 of the November 2002 issue.
* If you’ve been training for more than a year but less than three years, go to the intermediate workouts on page 118 of the November 2002 issue.
* If you’re a beginner, use the workout Ronnie has set up for you on page 118 of the November 2002 issue.
You’ll make faster progress if you proceed in stages. Build initial strength and mass by staying with three basic exercises of three straight sets each for at least a year; then take the next 10 years trying to work up to Ronnie’s level. You find that discouraging? Listen to the reigning Mr. O: “It took me twice that long, and it was worth every minute.”FLEX.
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