Incline Y Raise

The incline Y raise is a prehabilitation exercise that increases range of motion, mobility and strength throughout the upper back and shoulder complex. This exercise particularly targets the front and side regions of the shoulders.


  1. 219_A
    Lie chest-down on an incline bench with a 30-degree angle. Allow your arms to hang straight down with your palms facing each other.
  2. Incline Y Raise
    Brace your core and raise your arms up at a 30-degree angle in relation to your torso until they're in line with your shoulders. Make sure to keep your arms straight the entire time. Pause, and then slowly lower your arms back to the starting position.

Trainer’s Tips

  • Make sure you squeeze your shoulder blades together when raising your elbows to the highest position.
  • Perform this movement slow, avoiding any excess momentum.