“How do you build an Olympia physique?” is a question that gets brought up quite often around here. And on paper, at least, there appears to be a very simple answer: Do these workouts over and over and over again. But Mr. Olympia titles aren’t won on paper, and they aren’t won on stage either—that’s just where the trophy and check are awarded. No, these 13 champions won their Sandows in the weight room, on days when they had their best workouts as well as those times when the gym was the last place they wanted to be… yet they still went.

Here are 13 workouts that contributed to each athlete’s stage-ready physique. Unfortunately, we can’t publish all the blood, sweat, tears and sacrifice that went into these workouts, but looking at the accompanying photos, the fruits of these men’s labor, should give you an idea.

16 Greatest Physiques of All Time

16 Greatest Physiques of All Time

Some of the best bodies we've ever seen.

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