Jump Rope, (3-5 minutes)

This workout starts with this general exercise to get the core temperature up and warm-up the shoulders. The time can be varied to adjust to your specific  work capacity, and it can be supersetted with some light mobility movements every minute or so. 

Band Shoulder / Chest Stretches, 2-3 minutes each side

Now we start increasing the ROM at the shoulder and do so with our hands externally rotated. This is to compensate for high volume pressing movements and slouched postures throughout the day. You can also see me moving into some chest stretches to open up that kyphotic posture even more.

Hindu Push-ups, 2 sets x 10 reps

I love this exercise because we are mobilizing and strengthening the shoulders through a full range of motion.  We are also dynamically stretching our tight hip flexors which is one of the culprits to pulling our pelvis out of neutral.

Striders, 1 set x 8 reps each side

Further working on our hips, striders are introduced because they not only open up the hips and activate the glutes, they also start integrating the core stability we need for loaded movements.

Inch Worm => Push-up Plus => Push-up Flow, 1 set x 6 reps

Now it is getting serious. Linking multiple exercises into a sequence is called a flow. Joe DeFranco and I introduced this type of sequencing in our best-selling warm-up system – AMPED Warm-up.  It essentially gets more done in less time and teaches a whole lot of coordination. This flow dynamically stretches the hamstrings, engages the core, activates the upper back and primes the chest, shoulders and triceps!

Next: The Workout


Pull-ups with Chains on Softballs, 4 sets x 5-8 reps

It goes without saying that the softballs add a ton of grip strength to the movement, but I also wanted to comment on the chains. They provide a dynamic component that you typically don’t get with conventional loading.  

T-bar Rows, 4 sets x 5-8 reps

Bringing it back to old school, t-bar rows are setup quickly by putting the end of the barbell into the corner and going to work. As you can see, there is special attention placed on neutralizing the back and learning how to breath while performing the movement.  I don’t use momentum to throw the bar and try to keep a deliberate tempo. 

DB Posterior Flyes, 4 sets x 8-12 reps

I like rounding out a back workout with some isolation movements to bring up weaknesses.  What I also like is the hip hinge time under tension of the glutes, hamstrings and spinal erectors.  It really builds some serious workout capacity and strength endurance.

Face Pulls, 2 sets x 12-20 reps (2 variations)

Also a great idea, face pulls are thrown in as the finisher to strengthen the upper traps, lower traps and external rotators (infraspinatus teres minor).  You can see I usually throw in both variations, conventional and with external rotation.

Try this workout the next time you head into your gym.  If you don’t have the ‘special’ equipment, no problem – just hit the conventional exercise.