To perform at your best, mobility, strength, and flexibility are essential. Oh, and we’re talking about performing your best in the bedroom just to be perfectly clear.

You don’t want a kink (the bad kind) throwing off your rhythm, and you definitely don’t want to lose steam halfway through. To make sure you’re prepared for everything, Liz Lowe, Strength and Conditioning Specialist located in Sarasota, Florida, created a roundup of exercises to help you nail—or, rather, perfect—basic and no-so-basic sex positions. 

Limber up, boys—then hit the weights, ‘cus if you drop your partner mid-sex, odds are she won’t be coming back for more.

Sexy young couple

The endurance workout to last longer in bed

Build your stamina in the bedroom with this routine in the gym.

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The Warm-Up

Certain yoga postures are great for helping you loosen up for a workout—or whatever sex positions you’re trying to become better at. Before doing any of the following workouts, start with 8 to 10 rounds of this basic yoga flow.

Start by reaching your arms overhead and bend forward reaching your hands towards the ground. Place hands on the ground and jump or step your feet back into a plank position. Slowly lower yourself down in a pushup position till you are on the ground and then, leaving your legs down push your upper body up and off the ground arching your back and looking straight up into your Upward Facing Dog pose. From here, come back down to the floor and push your hips towards the ceiling into Downward Facing Dog. From this position, jump or step your feet back up to in between your hands and slowly come back to standing stretching your arms overhead. Repeat.

*Train For Missionary

Even though this is a basic position, a stable core, strong glutes, and muscular endurance will help you go all the way. 

Best Exercise: Plank with Leg Extension

The Workout:
Start by holding a basic plank on your forearms with hands apart. In this position lift the right leg as high as you can while maintaining the plank and keeping the leg straight. Lower it down and repeat with the other side. Keep your core stable and try not to rock your hips side-to-side while performing the leg lifts.  Start with 4 sets of 15-20 per side. Keeping the reps high will help with the much-needed stamina involved with this position and the exercise will stabilize the core while activating and strengthening the glutes. Add this exercise in at the end of your leg day or in an ab circuit.  


26 sex positions that’ll get her off every t...

With these orgasm-inducing techniques, she’ll never need to fake it.

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*Train For Doggy Style

Every girl wants a guy who can move his hips well. Having optimal hip mobility and keeping the muscles of the hip strong are key for doing it doggy style. 

Best Exercise: Doggy Style hip series
Start each exercise on the ground on hands and knees in table-top position. In this position keeping your back flat and without rocking side to side perform 4 sets of each exercise in the series in a circuit fashion.

The “Move Your Hips Better” Workout:
A. Fire Hydrants (Keeping your knee bent, abduct your leg so you are raising your leg up like a dog would if they were peeing on a fire hydrant. Lower it back down; repeat for all 15 reps on one side and then 15 reps on the other.)
B. Hip Circles (Still maintaining a bent knee and flat back bring the knee into the chest and then circle the leg out clockwise. Once you have completed 15 clockwise circles reverse directions and complete 15 counterclockwise circles. Repeat both clockwise and counterclockwise on the other leg.)
C. Donkey Kicks (Bring the knee all the way into the chest and then kick the leg out and up keeping the knee bent and your foot dorsi-flexed so the bottom of your foot is facing directly up. Bring the knee back into the chest and repeat the movement for 15 reps on one side; switch and complete 15 reps on the other side.)

What’s the best way to make shower sex work?

What’s the best way to make shower sex work?

Tips to make it hot, not awkward.

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*Train For Cowgirl

No girl wants to have to do all the work when she’s on top and she doesn’t want to be looking down at a guy with a bird chest either. So do us a favor and strengthen your core, hip flexors, and get acquainted with universal chest day (It’s Monday for those who are unaware of what day the masses get on the bench.) This workout uses the hips to move the weight so your “thrusting” motion becomes stronger. Do the following as a circuit, aiming for 3-4 rounds total. 

Best Exercises: Hang Clean, Romanian Dead Lift, Kettlebell Swing, Barbell Hip Thrust

The “Better Hip Thrust” Workout:
A. Hang Clean x 8
B. RDL x 8
C. Kettlebell Swing x 15
D. Barbell Hip Thrust off bench x 12

At the end of each rep be sure to push your hips forward and squeeze your glutes to finish the lift.

handsome man and attractive woman hugging and taking shower

The best lubes for shower sex, solo sessions, sens...

For shower sex, solo sessions, sensitive skin, and more.

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*Train For Legs Up On Shoulders

This position involves you being partially upright while only leaning a little weight into your girl’s legs. This is going to use all the muscles along your posterior chain to stabilize you so you don’t collapse on her. A strong back and hamstrings along with the stabilizing postural muscles will prevent the embarrassment of having to switch positions because your low back hurts and you don’t have the strength to hold the posture. 

Best Exercises: Deadlifts, Bent-Over Rows and Band Pull-Aparts.
Incorporating Deadlifts, Rows and band work into your weekly routine will help you strengthen your entire posterior chain, save you from killing the mood because of your backache, and make your overall performance better. 

The “Perfect Posture” Workout:
A. 3 x 6 Deadlift (Weight needs to be in the heels and shoulders back throughout the entire lift.)
B. 3 x 6-8 Bent Over Rows (Make sure shoulders are back and back is flat, holding at the top of the row for a second is key for perfecting your posture.)
C. 3 x 8 each side Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
D1. 3 x 15 Prone DB Incline Fly
D2. 3 x 20 Band Pull-Aparts 

*Train For Spooning

Any time you are on your side you’re going to be engaging your core and obliques. A solid ab circuit will make sure you’re strong enough to hold yourself in this side position and (perhaps more importantly) get you a better looking core so you don’t have to turn the lights off every time you do the deed. Try and get through 15 reps of each exercise in circuit form and aim for 3-4 rounds.

Best Exercises: Suspension trainer core work, Side Planks, and Toes to Bar.

The “Keep The Lights On” Ab Workout:
A. Suspension trainer Crunch
B. Suspension trainer Oblique Crunch
C. Suspension trainer Mountain Climbers
D. Side Plank with Leg Abduction
E. Side Plank with Hip Lift
F. Toes to Bar

*Train For Sex Standing Up

Whether you have your girl up against a wall, or any position where you are standing and holding her up, you are going to need to be strong. No girl wants to feel like she’s going to be dropped because you can’t handle her weight. Having a strong set of arms and traps that wont fatigue easily will ensure you can make the most out of this intense position.  Aim for 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps for each superset and perform a heavy Farmers Carry in between exercises.

Best Exercises: Curls, Shrugs, and Farmer’s Carry

The “Make Your Girl Feel Light As a Feather” Workout:
A1. Shrugs
A2. Upright Rows

Farmers Carry till failure

B1. Barbell Narrow Grip Curls
B2. Dumbbell 21’s

Farmers Carry till failure

C1. Weighted Dips
C2. Skull Crushers

Farmers Carry till failure