Recently we reported on research, published in the journal Sexual and Relationship Therapy, which found men fake orgasms in about 30 percent of all their sexual encounters. And not just vaginal sex, though that was the most common; guys faked an orgasm during oral and manual stimulation, too.

The most common reasons? You want to protect your girl’s self-esteem, “appear sexy” after you’ve had too much to drink, if you’re feeling insecure about disappointing her, and to put an end to crappy sex. So, we turned the tables and asked 20 women why they put on a show in the bedroom. Eager to find out? We were.

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“Sometimes, I just can’t finish, and it has nothing to do with him. But I still want him to feel accomplished.” – Arianna L.

“To make him feel good about himself or to make it stop if it’s really bad.” – Alexa P.

“Because I feel bad, and it’s taking too long.” – Liz C.

“Usually to make a guy feel good, but to be honest I try not to just because they’ll never learn that what they’re doing isn’t working.” – Nicole G.

“If it’s a position that doesn’t get me off, or actually kind of hurts, I’ll fake it.” – Kirsten A.

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Ways you can accidentally hurt her during sex—and ...

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“So he can stop trying to make me orgasm and he can finally finish.” – Danielle C.

“It makes him get into it more and sparks more intimacy. Besides, if we go at it again shortly after, I‘m more apt to orgasm (since I’m warmed up), and he’ll be more willing for round two if he doesn’t feel defeated.” – Tara W.

“To boost his confidence, but this is actually ridiculous because it makes guys who are bad at sex think they’re studs. We should have better bedroom communication. Everyone should be telling each other what they like, don’t like, because no two people like the same things.” – Athena L.

“I actually have never faked one! But I can see why women would if it just wasn’t going to happen and the guy didn’t understand that.” – Lauren M.

“I don’t fake orgasms because what’s the point? He doesn’t know what really works.” – Christine D.

“I don’t want him to think I can’t orgasm.” – Marie S.

“Sometimes to be encouraging—A for effort.” – Marissa R.

“I don’t have to fake it—he’s that good. But with other partners, I faked it to get it over with.” – Claire R.

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Women have stronger orgasms if partner is funny, r...

Women have stronger orgasms if partner is funny and rich.

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“I’ll never fake an orgasm. If you don’t let them know they’ve failed, then they will never try hard to succeed.” – Rebecca A.

“Sometimes I do it because I don’t want to be asked if it was good.” – Melissa C.

“I don’t want to hurt the guy’s feelings if it sucks.” – Carly G.

“It’s just taking too long.” – Nickole M.

“This is cheesy, but I like to climax at the same time as my boyfriend. Sometimes it happens naturally, and sometimes it doesn’t… but he thinks it does.” – Shannon W.

“I never fake it—unless the guy is drunk. If a guy is going at me like a jackhammer, I want it to stop as quickly as possible.” – Rachel M.

“If I’m not in the right mindset, or just not in the mood, I’ll fake it.” – Gabrielle D.

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15 sex tips from the bedrooms of real women

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