ABB Speed Stack Pumped NO


Glycerol normally forms the backbone of triglycerides, which are the primary fats in our diet. By itself, glycerol has strong osmotic properties, meaning that it attracts and binds large amounts of fluids such as water. By attracting more fluid in the blood vessels and the muscles, glycerol enhances muscle pumps. It can also help to prevent dehydration and improve body temperature control when exercising in the heat.



This amino acid that is readily converted into nitric oxide (NO) in the body. Nitric oxide dilates blood vessels to deliver more oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to muscle fibers. This has been shown in numerous clinical studies to boost muscle endurance, muscle strength, and muscle size. Arginine is also effective at boosting growth hormone (GH) levels. It does this by inhibiting the release of a hormone in the brain known as somatostatin, which inhibits GH production and secretion from the pituitary gland. By inhibiting somatostatin, arginine raises GH levels,  which is critical for activating muscle growth and strength gains, as well as reducing body fat. 



Surely you are well aware that caffeine’s most well-known benefit is to act as a stimulant in the body. But do you know how it performs this function? It’s all due to a chemical our body produces called adenosine. When adenosine binds to its receptors in the brain, it signals fatigue, making you tired and sluggish and slows down nerve activity dulling your brain. By binding to adenosine receptors, caffeine prevents this fatigue signal and keeps you more alert and mentally focused. Research confirms that supplementing with caffeine before workouts increases muscle endurance and strength. In addition to its ability to blunt adenosine, caffeine may provide these effects through its ability to boost nitric oxide (NO) levels, which was discovered by Japanese scientists. They reported that subjects taking a dose of caffeine experienced improved blood flow to muscles thanks to increased NO levels. New research also shows that caffeine offers numerous health benefits, such as less cognitive decline with aging and a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, to name a few.


Body Fortress Super Advanced NOS Blast



Creatine is one of those ingredients that really needs no introduction. It has become a household name thanks to its popularity among almost every type of athlete out there. This popularity is directly due to its effectiveness. There are hundreds of studies showing that creatine significantly boosts muscle muscle size, strength and endurance via a number of different mechanisms. In addition to this, creatine also provides numerous health benefits, such as better brain function, enhanced lifespan and even prevention of sun damage to the skin.



Arginine is an amino acid that is readily converted into nitric oxide (NO) in the body. Nitric oxide is a gaseous molecule that relaxes the smooth muscles of blood vessels, causing them to dilate. The dilated blood vessels can then deliver more oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to the muscle fibers. This increases muscle endurance and strength during workouts, as research confirms. It also increases the muscle pump during the workout. A bigger muscle pump places a greater stretch on the membranes of the muscle fibers, which turns on muscle protein synthesis, resulting in long-term muscle growth. Besides boosting NO levels, arginine also boosts growth-hormone levels. Having higher GH levels during workouts increases muscle growth and strength gains, while helping to burn more fat. 



Vinpocetine is the active ingredient in the viny shrub Lesser periwinkle or Vinca minor. Vinpocetine is regarded as a “smart drug” because it has been used clinically in Europe to enhance memory and cognition, as well as treat a number of brain disorders. Vinpocetine’s effects are due mainly to its ability to dilate blood vessels, enhance blood flow, support the proper function of red blood cells, reduce blood viscosity, increase oxygen utilization and enhance the production of energy. All this leads to better brain and muscle function, making your workouts better and making your focus better.





This is the most studied nitric-oxide (NO) booster out there. This supplement is comprised simply of the amino acid arginine with an alpha-ketoglutarate molecule attached to it to increase arginine’s absorption and use by the body.  Once inside the body, arginine is readily converted into NO. Nitric oxide works to relax blood vessels, which increases their diameter to allow more blood to flow through. For blood vessels feeding the muscles, this means they can deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles for greater energy to fuel them throughout the workout. Numerous research studies confirm that subjects taking argine, particularly arginine alpha-ketoglutarate, are able to exercise at a higher intensity for longer. In addition to boosting NO levels, arginine raises growth-hormone (GH) levels. Having higher GH levels during workouts is important for encouraging gains in muscle size and strength.



This form of the amino acid tyrosine is more bioavailable than regular tyrosine supplements. This means that it is absorbed and used better by the body and therefore is more effective than plain tyrosine. The addition of the acetyl group to tyrosine particularly facilitates tyrosine’s ability to pass through the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain, where it performs the majority of its work. This amino acid increases energy, boosts mental focus, elevates mood, aids fat loss, raises muscle strength and can even boost sex drive. This is all due mainly to the fact that in the body, tyrosine is used to produce numerous hormones and neurotransmitters, including dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine and thyroid hormone. 



Caffeine is added to 1.M.R simply because it’s a powerful stimulant. After all, being more alert can make for a more intense and effective workout. But taking caffeine before workouts does far more than just energize you. Numerous research studies have shown that caffeine taken before workouts significantly boosts muscle strength and endurance. Research also shows that it blunts muscle pain during workouts, allowing you to train past the pain barrier. This can make a big difference in the gains you make in muscle size and strength.


BSN N.O.-Xplode 2.0



The amino acid citrulline has been found in clinical studies to be a more powerful nitric oxide (NO) booster than even arginine. But in this form, which combines citrulline with malic acid (malate), it has also been proven in the lab to boost energy and delay fatigue. This way it not only gives you insane muscle pumps, but also takes your training intensity to new levels.



By now we shouldn’t have to tell how effective creatine is for supplying working muscles more energy and greater strength. But what you may not realize is that the best way to take advantage of all of creatine’s benefits is by getting it in several different forms. That’s why N.O.-Xplode V2.0 includes creatine in five different forms: di-creatine-malic acid, creatine-sodium phosphate, creatinol-o-phosphate-malic acid, creatine ethyl ester HCL, and creatine-alpha-aminobutyric acid. This helps to maximize creatine’s absorption by the intestines, uptake by the muscles, and utilization by the body for maximal results.



N.O.-XPlode contains three different forms of glycerol – potassium glycerophosphate, magnesium glycerophosphate, and glycerol stearate. Glycerol forms the backbone of triglycerides, which are the primary fats found in your diet. But by itself, glycerol has strong osmotic properties, meaning it’s able to attract and bind large amounts of fluids such as water. This allows it to enhance muscle pumps by driving more fluid into muscles, especially when it’s taken in conjunction with creatine, as one study found.


CytoSport Monster Pump



Citrulline malate is composed of the amino acid citrulline bound to malic acid (malate). Citrulline is a potent nitric-oxide booster. This is due to the fact that it is readily converted in the body to arginine, which is readily converted to NO. Research even shows that citrulline raises blood levels of arginine and NO better than arginine does itself. This is because arginine is used for energy by the cells of the intestines. So much of the arginine that’s ingested doesn't make it to the blood stream. Citrullline on the other hand, is not used by the intestines, so more of it enters the blood stream. Citrulline also helps to blunt fatigue. It does this by aiding the removal of ammonia from the body. Ammonia is a toxic compound that is produced when amino acids are broken down, such as during exercise. When ammonia levels build up, it leads to fatigue. By removing more ammonia, citrulline keeps ammonia levels low and delays fatigue. The addition of malic acid further aids energy production and delays fatigue. Malic acid is actually an energy metabolite, and it helps to convert the lactic acid that’s produced during exercise into energy. Clinical studies show that patients with fatigue issues who take citrulline malate are able to produce more energy and experience less fatigue.



This is the purest form of creatine that you can get. This brand of creatine monohydrate is made in Germany, but is known around the world for it’s high quality. This is due to the patented system for synthesizing Creapure under GMP (good manufacturing practices) conditions. Creatine monohydrate is the most effective sports supplement that you can take to increase muscle size, strength and endurance. This form of creatine has been the focus of over 300 scientific studies. Some studies report that creatine monohydrate can increase lean muscle mass by over 5 kilograms and enhance muscle strength by over 10% in just a few weeks. The main way that creatine monohydrate works is by serving as a major energy-producing molecule inside muscle cells. This provides the muscle fibers the quick bursts of energy they need when lifting weights or running fast. In addition to this role, research has also discovered that creatine increase levels of the growth factor  insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) while blunting levels of the muscle-growth-inhibiting protein myostatin. Creatine’s ability to alter these two molecules results in larger and stronger muscles.



This amino acid plays a critical role in maintaining the strength and endurance of muscle fibers. Taurine works to reestablish calcium levels in the muscle, which is important for muscle contractions and is likely the key to how supplementing with taurine leads to greater muscle strength and endurance. Keeping taurine levels high during workouts optimizes calcium levels within the muscle for better maintenance of strength and endurance. Taurine also has powerful antioxidant properties, which aid muscle recovery and growth. Muscle growth is also enhanced as a result of taurine’s ability to attract water into muscle cells. This creates fuller muscle fibers that stretch the muscle membrane and instigate long-term muscle growth.  


Dymatize Xpand Xtreme Pump



Creatine has hundreds of studies supporting its effectiveness to boost muscle size, strength and endurance. Xpand Xtreme Pump not only contains creatine, but it contains several different kinds of creatine for maximal effects. This includes creatine citrate, which is composed of a creatine molecule attached to a molecule of citric acid. Citric acid is a naturally occurring intermediate of the Kreb’s cycle (the pathway that produces aerobic energy), meaning that it plays a crucial role in energy metabolism. Citrate coupled with creatine may offer greater energy production in exercising muscle. It also dissolves better in fluids than creatine monohydrate due to the citrate molecule, which can reduce stomach discomfort and aid its uptake in the body. Xpand Xtreme Pump also contains creatine malate and di-creatine malate, which are creatine bound to malic acid. Like citrate, malic acid is a Kreb’s cycle intermediate. So it may offer greater energy production over other creatine forms. Also like citrate, creatine malate tends to better dissolve in fluids. Having both forms enhances the amount of creatine absorbed by the body and taken up by the muscles, which leads to better results.



ARGININE is an amino acid that is readily converted into nitric oxide (NO) in the body. Nitric oxide dilates blood vessels to deliver more oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to muscle fibers. This has been shown in numerous clinical studies to boost muscle endurance, muscle strength, and muscle size. Arginine is also effective at boosting growth hormone (GH) levels. It does this by inhibiting the release of a hormone in the brain known as somatostatin, which inhibits GH production and secretion from the pituitary gland. By inhibiting somatostatin, arginine raises GH levels,  which is critical for activating muscle growth and strength gains, as well as reducing body fat. Since regular L-arginine tends to be poorly absorbed by the body, Xpand Xtreme Pump uses three special forms of arginine – arginine alpha-ketoglutarate, arginine HCl, and ketoisocaproate. These three forms increase the absorption and utilization of arginine in the body for greater increases in NO and GH.



This amino acid is gaining recognition as an amino acid that is a powerful strength builder, thanks to piles of research studies confirming its effectiveness. Beta-alanine works to increase muscle strength and power by combining with the amino acid histidine in muscle cells to form the protein carnosine. Carnosine is important for buffering the hydrogen ions that build up in muscles during workouts. Hydrogen ions raise the acidity level of the muscle, which reduces its ability to contract, making the muscle weaker and fatigued. By buffering the hydrogen ions, carnosine prevents muscles from getting too acidic, which helps to maintain strength and endurance. Having more strength and endurance during workouts can also lead to greater increases in muscle growth. In fact, research shows that when you take beta-alanine along with creatine, as is found in Xpand Xtreme Pump, you gain more muscle size than taking creatine alone.


Gaspari Nutrition SuperPump Max



This amino acid is a popular one in preworkout/pump formulas because research shows that levels of the amino acid taurine in muscle cells are critical for muscle strength and power. Research also shows that taurine increases muscle endurance by up to 50%. Taurine also draws water into muscle cells. This helps to further boost the muscle pump that a nitric-oxide boosting supplement delivers. But the muscle pump is not just important for looking impressive acutely in the gym, it also can enhance long term muscle growth. This happens because the more fluid that the muscle cells fill with the more stretch that is placed on the membrane of the muscle cell. This stretch signals chemical pathways in the muscle that lead to real muscle growth.



This supplement consists of the amino acids ornithine and aspartate (aspartic acid). Together they are critical in the body for reducing ammonia levels by converting them into urea and glutamine. When you workout you break down amino acids and produce ammonia, which induces fatigue. By supplementing with L-ornithine-L-asparate you can reduce ammonia levels and therefore reduce fatigue to allow you to train harder for longer. But this supplement isn’t just about muscle fatigue, it can also prevent the fatigue of your nervous system. One of the reasons that you fatigue in the gym is due to your nervous system being tired out and not being able to keep up nerve impulses to your muscles as fast as needed. Research shows that L-ornithine-L-asparate can reduce ammonia levels in nerve cells and reduce nervous system fatigue to keep your intensity levels up throughout the entire workout. 



This magnesium creatine chelate is a combination of creatine with magnesium. You should be well aware of the benefits of taking creatine before workouts, as well as it’s ability to draw water into muscle cells. But you may not understand the benefits of adding magnesium to creatine. Research shows that magnesium can enhance creatine’s ability to draw water into muscle, as well as its ability to increase muscle energy levels and prevent muscle fatigue. This is ldue to the greater uptake of the magnesium creatine combination into muscle cells.


MuscleTech NeuroCore



There’s just no debating the fact that creatine works well to increase muscle strength, endurance and growth. The only debate is over the best form of creatine to take. Based on the research done and the anecdotal reports we have received, creatine hydrochloride (HCL) may be one of the best forms out there. Research has shown that this form of creatine raises blood levels of creatine significantly more than the ol’ stalwart, creatine monohydrate. 



The extract of this plant contains the active ingredient, methylhexanamine, also known as dimethylamylamine (DMAA). Yes, that’s the popular preworkout stimulant that everyone is talking about. This phytochemical provides a powerful stimulant effect and can enhance mood, decrease hunger, and boost fat burning. Some even report a bit of a euphoric effect that allows them to take their training intensity to new levels.



Rhodiola is a well-researched adaptogen. That means that it helps the body better deal with stress. And since exercise is a stress, it can enhance your training and the results you get. One of the main benefits of this root extract is its ability to increase the release of beta-endorphins. These are the brain chemicals that reduce pain and improve mood so you can make it through the most grueling workouts ever. 


MuscleTech NaNo Vapor Hardcore Pro Series



This amino acid is the main ingredient in most nitric-oxide (NO) boosters. That’s because in the body arginine is readily converted to NO with the help of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS). NaNO Vapor Hardcore supplies 4 forms of arginine: L-arginine, L-arginine pyroglutamate, L-arginine hydrochloride (HCl), and L-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate. 



This amino acid forms histamine, which is involved in the immune response that ensues when you get sick or have an allergic reaction. Yet histidine can also boost NO levels. That’s because histamine boosts NO levels by enhancing the activity of NOS. Supplementing with a product that supplies histidine in addition to arginine, such as NaNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series will help to convert more of the arginine into NO by increasing the activity of NOS. 



Caffeine is known as the world’s most popular “drug” for a reason. That reason is its ability to light your fire. In the gym that fire is your raw strength, training intensity and muscle endurance. Research confirms that taking caffeine boosts muscle strength, enhances your ability to withstand muscle pain (which boosts your training intensity), and allows you to complete more reps. 


Nutrex Hemo-Rage Black Ultra Concentrate 



Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate is the amino acid that literally started the nitric oxide (NO) category that is so popular today. That’s because arginine is readily converted into NO in the body. And NO widens blood vessels to deliver more oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to muscle fibers. This has been shown in numerous clinical studies to boost muscle endurance, strength and size. But arginine does more than just enhance NO levels. It also boosts growth hormone (GH) levels, which is critical for activating muscle growth and strength gains, as well as reducing body fat. While regular arginine is poorly absorbed by the body, arginine with an alpha-ketoglutarate molecule attached to it is easily absorbed and readily used. That means that taking this form or arginine leads to maximal benefits.



This stimulant, also known as methylhexanamine, is the active ingredient found in geranium oil. Although it has been compared to caffeine, many claim that its stimulant effect is much different. Anecdotal reports claim that 1-3-dimethylamylamine provides a euphoric effect that enhances workouts better than caffeine. In addition to increasing alertness, it can enhance mood, decrease hunger, and aid fat burning. It’s able to do all this because its chemical structure is similar to the neurohormone norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is related to epinephrine (adrenaline), which ramps you up, boosts your brain function, increases your metabolic rate and enhances your body’s ability to burn up fat for fuel. This all leads to more intense workouts with greater strength and endurance.



This extract from club moss has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine. Huperzine prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine in the brain. With higher acetylcholine levels your brain is sharper and mood is improved more focused workouts. Higher acetylcholine levels can also enhance muscle strength during the workout.


Optimum Platinum Hydrowhey



Hydrolyzed whey protein is whey protein that has been put through the process of hydrolysis. This process breaks longer whey protein chains down into smaller peptide fragments. Because it’s essentially pre-digested, the body has less work to do to break hydrolyzed whey protein down after you consume it. That means it’s digested and absorbed extremely fast, making it the ideal choice to take before workouts.



The branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are important to take before workouts as they not only drive muscle growth, but are effective for increasing energy and blunting fatigue during workouts. The BCAAs include the three essential amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine. Leucine is the more critical amino of the three when it comes to muscle growth. That’s because it has been found to directly turn on muscle protein synthesis, which is the process in muscle cells that leads to muscle growth. Valine, on the other hand, appears to be more critical for blunting fatigue during exercise. It does this by blocking the uptake of the amino acid tryptophan into the brain, which normally signals fatigue and slows you down and make you weaker. All three have also been shown to lower levels of the catabolic hormone cortisol during workouts, which normally increases muscle breakdown and interferes with testosterone's muscle-building actions. Micronizing these amino acids makes them smaller and provides a greater surface area, which allows them to mix better in fluids and be digested and absorbed faster in the body for rapid results.



This patented enzyme blend includes proteases derived from Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae. Proteases are enzymes that specifically break down protein into smaller fragments. When you consume a protein powder with Aminogen in it, you get a faster digesting protein source. Clinical research confirms that Aminogen increases the absorption of protein by the body, as well as its utilization by the muscle fibers.


Promera Sports Beta-Cret



Beta-alanine may be a nonessential amino acid, but it outperforms many essential amino acids when it comes to promoting muscle strength and size. That’s because in the body, beta-alanine combines with the amino acid histidine to form the compound carnosine. Research has discovered that muscles with higher levels of carnosine have more strength, power and endurance. This may be due to carnosine’s ability to buffer the acidity levels of muscles during intense exercise. During workouts, muscles become more acidic, which decreases their strength and endurance. By keeping the acidity levels low, beta-alanine keeps muscle strength and endurance high. Research in athletes confirms that supplementing with beta-alanine does improve muscle strength, muscle power and muscle endurance. Research even shows that beta-alanine improves muscle growth, especially when taken with creatine, as found in Beta-Cret



There’s just no debating the fact that creatine works well to increase muscle strength, endurance and growth. The only debate is over the best form of creatine to take. Based on the research done and the anecdotal reports we have received, creatine hydrochloride (HCL) may be one of the best forms out there. Research has shown that this form of creatine raises blood levels of creatine significantly more than the ol’ stalwart, creatine monohydrate. The higher you can raise blood levels of creatine the higher that you can also raise levels of creatine in the muscle fibers where it does its job.



This stimulant, also known as methylhexanamine, is the active ingredient found in geranium oil. Although it has been compared to caffeine, many claim that its stimulant effect is much different. Anecdotal reports claim that 1-3-dimethylamylamine provides a euphoric effect that enhances workouts better than caffeine. In addition to increasing alertness, it can enhance mood, decrease hunger, and aid fat burning. It’s able to do all this because its chemical structure is similar to the neurohormone norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is related to epinephrine (adrenaline), which ramps you up, boosts your brain function, increases your metabolic rate and enhances your body’s ability to burn up fat for fuel. This all leads to more intense workouts with greater strength and endurance


Universal Animal Rage



This amino acid is one of the most critical to take before workouts. That’s because  beta-alanine combines with histidine, to form carnosine. Research shows that when muscles have higher levels of carnosine they can generate more power and strength, and can maintain it for longer. This has been confirmed in numerous research studies using athletes. Those taking beta-alanine experienced greater gains in muscle power, strength, and endurace, as well as muscle growth. 



This amino acid is well known to increase energy levels, elevate mood, and enhance mental focus. That’s because in the body, tyrosine is involved in the production of several important hormones and neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, epinephrine (adrenaline), and thyroid hormones. This helps to spike energy levels and keeps you more focused during workouts. Plus, studies have shown that having higher epinephrine levels during workouts can enhance muscle strength and reduce fatigue.



As the active ingredient in the plant, Lesser Periwinkle, vinpocetine has been shown in clinical trials to boost brain function by enhancing nerve impulses. This can also lead to stronger and more powerful muscle contractions during workouts. In addition, vinpocetine has been found to dilate blood vessels, thereby driving more oxygen-rich blood to working muscles and the brain. This leads to higher energy levels and reduced fatigue during workouts.