In 2010, over one third of children in America were overweight or obsese according to the Centers for Disease Control. In the last 30 years, the number of obsese children have doubled while the number of obses adolescents have tripled. Because of this, America’s youth is experiencing health problems like high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes, and high cholesterol–problems that used to only affect adults.

That’s why Jamba Juice created Team Up for a Healthy America™, dedicated to stopping childhood obesity. They’ve teamed up with associations like the Golden State Warriors and the National Childhood Obesity Foundation as well as stars like Vernon Davis and Venus Williams to combat this huge problem in our nation.

On Saturday, October 12, $1 from every Jamba Juice smoothie sold* will be donated to purchasing athletic equipment for schools in need. You can also donate $1 to receive a Jamba Juice coupon booklet worth $10.

But if you can’t make it to a Jamba Juice store this weekend, you can still support the cause. Visit and take the pledge to make small healthy changes in your everyday life for free. They’ll donate $1 to schools for every pledge they receive. 

So pledge to be a better version of you and help stop childhood obesity today!

*In participating Jamba Juice stores