Training Twins: 5 Weightlifters With Classic Physiques
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New School vs. Old School
Much like how basketball stars study Michael Jordan, the current crop of fitness pros know the value of the past. Weight training is an individual endeavor, so it makes sense that pros would (literally) model their looks after legends with similar frames.SEE ALSO: The 16 Greatest Physiques of All Time Here’s a few guys who are on the right track.
Men’s physique competitor Sadik Hadzovic was determined to top Jeremy Buendia at the 2015 Mr. Olympia, so much so, that he called upon a legend for some one-on-one training. Zane had some solid praise for his well-tapered emulator.”[Sadik] has a lot of great attributes I wish I had,” Zane said. “I think he could have one of the best physiques of all time if he works at it for long enough.”
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Arnold / Calum Von Moger
Ok, we know, we’ve already dropped the Oak’s name on this list. That said, there’s no way we could overlook this comparison. When you search, “Arnold looks like” on Google, Moger’s name just keeps popping up. It’s not a stretch either, you won’t find many bodybuilders with arms so close to Arnold’s mark.
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Flex Lewis / Danny Padilla
Let’s show the shorter guys some love!Packing a complete physique into a 5’5″ frame and competing on the global stage is tough work. Danny “The Giant Killer” Padilla set the mold back in the late 70s and four time Mr. 212 Olympia Showdown champion Flex Lewis has kept the torch aflame.
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Rocky Johnson / Dwayne Johnson
Before there was The Rock, there was The Original Rock. Rocky “Soulman” Johnson killed it in the professional wrestling ring, becoming the Georgia Champion and NWA Southern Heavyweight Memphis Champion. He was also a member of the first black tag team to win WWF’s Wold Tag Team Championship.Judging by The Rock’s superstar career (and this side-by-side arm shot). He’s lived up to his genes.
Much like how basketball stars study Michael Jordan, the current crop of fitness pros know the value of the past. Weight training is an individual endeavor, so it makes sense that pros would (literally) model their looks after legends with similar frames.
Men’s physique competitor Sadik Hadzovic was determined to top Jeremy Buendia at the 2015 Mr. Olympia, so much so, that he called upon a legend for some one-on-one training. Zane had some solid praise for his well-tapered emulator.
“[Sadik] has a lot of great attributes I wish I had,” Zane said. “I think he could have one of the best physiques of all time if he works at it for long enough.”
Arnold / Calum Von Moger
Ok, we know, we’ve already dropped the Oak’s name on this list. That said, there’s no way we could overlook this comparison. When you search, “Arnold looks like” on Google, Moger’s name just keeps popping up. It’s not a stretch either, you won’t find many bodybuilders with arms so close to Arnold’s mark.
Flex Lewis / Danny Padilla
Let’s show the shorter guys some love!
Packing a complete physique into a 5’5″ frame and competing on the global stage is tough work. Danny “The Giant Killer” Padilla set the mold back in the late 70s and four time Mr. 212 Olympia Showdown champion Flex Lewis has kept the torch aflame.
Rocky Johnson / Dwayne Johnson
Before there was The Rock, there was The Original Rock. Rocky “Soulman” Johnson killed it in the professional wrestling ring, becoming the Georgia Champion and NWA Southern Heavyweight Memphis Champion. He was also a member of the first black tag team to win WWF’s Wold Tag Team Championship.
Judging by The Rock’s superstar career (and this side-by-side arm shot). He’s lived up to his genes.