Here's a sneak peek of IFBB Pro Frank McGrath 6 weeks out from the 2013 Toronto Pro Supershow. McGrath will be going up against a steep set of competitors whom all are vying for that coveted Olympia qualification.

Here's a few questions we asked off Frank when we last met last year.

Which arm movement do you feel is responsible for giving you the best size increase over the years?

I’ve been doing straight-bar curls since day one in the gym and feel that they have been the exercise that has given me the best results. I’ll switch things up with them, even though this is one of the most basic movements out there. One day I’ll start my biceps routine with them and go heavy, and then the following week, I’ll do them last and use lighter weight and higher reps. I also like to do dropsets with barbell curls.

What show are we going to see you competing in next?

I’m in my off-season right now. I need to bring up some of my weak points (leg sweep, back thickness,and overall physique). Once I feel more balanced, I’ll decide on a show to compete in. It’ll most likely be the 2013 Toronto Pro.

You had a pretty successful 2011 with a third- (Pro Bodybuilding Weekly) and a fourth- (Toronto Pro Supershow) place finish, as well as competing in your first Mr. Olympia—all of this after returning from serious injuries. Give us your thoughts on the year that was and what we should expect from you in 2012.

<a class=Frank McGrath 6 Weeks Toronto Pro” src=”” style=”margin: 5px; float: right;” />Last year was huge for me as far as coming back from my car accident— and being the best that I’ve been in my whole career, no less. It was hard enough returning from all of those injuries with the collapsed lung and having my spleen removed, but having the doctors tell me that I’ll never be able to train again is burned in my mind. That gave me—and continues to give me—the added incentive every day in the gym since then. There were some days when I really struggled and was winded using 20-pound dumbbells, but I stayed the course and never gave up. A lot of that has to do with my trainer, Hany Rambod. We worked together for only four months, but he gave me the direction and motivation that I needed to succeed. He knows what he’s doing!

It’s hard to explain the feeling of hearing your name announced in the first callout at a pro show. All of the blood, sweat, and tears were worth it. Every day on that damn StairMaster machine and all the fish meals, too. There are moments that you doubt yourself. Backstage seeing the other guys and how they look. But once you get up there and hear that audience going crazy…that’s what it’s all about.

Stepping onto the Olympia stage was an overwhelming feeling. It’s like competing in your first show all over again—the excitement you experience and the thoughts that go through your mind. You’ve made it to the biggest show in the world and are onstage next to the best of the best. Not many people can say that they have been able to do that. It was a huge honor to be up there. There is no better feeling than to hear people cheering for you at the Olympia. Hany and I have a game plan for 2012. I am taking my off-season seriously to bring up my legs and back to present a bigger and better Frank McGrath.

Everyone will have to wait and see!

Toronto Pro Supershow 2013

Toronto Pro 2013 Full Results