Flex wheeler biceps

“Dumbbells allow me to concentrate fully on my biceps and get a complete workout without overtaxing the rest of my body.”

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Lee priest

“A lot of articles stress working the peak or hitting the upper and lower part of the biceps, and I just don’t believe in subdividing the biceps that way. When I train, all my focus is on improving the overall quality of the biceps.”

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Ronnie coleman

“I’m an avid proponent of performing preacher curls with a cambered bar because it reduces the stress on the wrists and biceps tendons, and it also brings the brachialis partly into play.”

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Larry scott

“The key to getting the most out of your biceps workout is isolation. By isolating the biceps and using strict form, you force them to accept the total workload.”

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Albert beckles

“I always use perfect form for all of my upper-arm movements. In this manner, I can focus stress precisely on the area of the muscle I’m targeting.”

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Mike matarazzo

“A lot of guys overdo the weight on seated dumbbell curls, and they start dancing around in their seats like they’re doing the tango.”