The anxiously awaited competitor list is out! The guessing is over. The competitors listed below have submitted their contracts in order to compete in the 2013 New York Pro, which consists of: Men's Open Bodybuilding, Men's 212 and Under Bodybuilding, Men's Physique, Women's Physique, Figure and Bikini.

Competitors in these four divisions will vie for a coveted spot on the Mr Olympia stage later this year. Of significance, this is the second of only four contests for the 212 and Under Men bodybuilders at which they can qualify for the 212 Showdown. The Europa Show of Champions, a 212 Showdown qualification contest, was held in April. After the 2013 New York Pro, there are only two competitions left in order to qualify: The 2013 Toronto Pro and the 2013 Wings of Strength Chicago Pro.

Below is the competitor's list:

IFBB Open Men

  1. Pablo Ayala
  2. Dainius Barzinskas
  3. Jeff Beckham
  4. Anthoneil Champagnie
  5. Aaron Clark
  6. Jon Delarosa
  7. Constantinos Demetriou
  8. Clarence DeVis
  9. Darron Glenn
  10. Dalibor Hajek
  11. Marcus Haley
  12. Mike Johnson
  13. Victor Martinez
  14. Cedric McMillan
  15. Juan Morel
  16. An Nguyen
  17. Daniel Toth
  18. Antoinne Vaillant
  19. Keith Williams


IFBB 212 and Under Men

  1. Sami Al Haddad
  2. Jamal Al Maadawy
  3. Jason Arntz
  4. Allan Auguste
  5. Thomas Benagli
  6. Raul Carrasco
  7. Alfonso Del Rio
  8. Charles Dixon
  9. Gregg Doucette
  10. Mark Dugdale
  11. Mboya Edwards
  12. Kevin English
  13. Manuel Manchado
  14. Angel Rangel Vargas
  15. Brandon Ray
  16. Marco Rivera
  17. Vicente Santamaria Martinez
  18. Joe Vu


IFBB Men Physique


IFBB Figure


IFBB Bikini

IFBB New York Pro 2013

IFBB New York Pro 2013