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Read articleWhat benefits do antioxidants offer bodybuilders?
These compounds counteract free radicals, which are byproducts of aerobic energy metabolism. Free radicals are formed when elements such as oxygen and nitrogen interact with other molecules and try to bind to constituents located in the membrane of cells, damaging the membrane.
Several recent research studies have shown that antioxidants can reduce exerciseinduced oxidative stress and can also enhance recovery between workouts. One common theory states that muscle growth occurs during the recovery phase following muscle fiber damage induced during prior exercise. Antioxidants can boost recovery in several ways. First, they bind with and deactivate free radicals produced during exercise before they can cause damage to muscle cells. Second, they strengthen and protect muscle cell membranes against free-radical damage.
So, how much of what kinds of foods will produce these amazing damagefighting benefits? The latest research suggests that five servings of fruits and vegetables a day are sufficient. However, this is geared toward normal-sized individuals. There is no research available to indicate sufficient intake for a 250- pound bodybuilder who works out two hours a day six days a week and has 8% bodyfat. To make certain your bases are covered, FLEX recommends doubling the above natural-source recommendations and taking a supplemental form of at least vitamin E (400-800 international units) and vitamin C (500-1,000 milligrams).
You can find antioxidants in supplement form, but if you want to get some pleasure out of ingesting these little “miracle workers,” try adding these foods to your diet. Remember, typically the greatest concentrations of antioxidants are found in intensely colored fruits and vegetables.
BETA CAROTENE: carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, peppers, broccoli, spinach, mangos, papaya, apricots, cantaloupes, tomatoes and assorted greens (especially kale and collard, turnip and beet greens)
VITAMIN C: citrus fruits and juices, cantaloupe, berries, cabbage, tomatoes and peppers
VITAMIN E: seafood, fish and vegetable oils, nuts and seeds
COPPER: shellfish, whole grains, legumes and nuts
MAGNESIUM: whole grains, legumes and green leafy vegetables
SELENIUM: seafood, red meat and whole grains
ZINC: beef, dark poultry meat, whole grains and oysters