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Read articleIFBB Pro Michael Kefalianos Training Shoulders 5 Days Out From The 2012 FIBO Power Pro Bodybuilding Competition In Essen, Germany.
We followed Michale in Melbourne, Australia hen he went head to head with Branch Warren. Many in the audience thought Kefalianos should have won the show just based on his size, conditioning and marked determination.
Branch Warren” src=”https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/420149_370053116362767_107553225946092_1174565_135776960_n.jpg” style=”width: 618px; height: 412px;” /
Now Micheal will be going to head with Johny Jackson who is fresh and is competing for the first time this year. Will IFBB Pro Kefalianos, who has competed twice this year be able to hold back a hungry JoJ?
Considered a workhorse, Michael works long days as a taxi driver and still trains in the gym and travels to at least 7 pro contests per year. Why? Because he's an animal!
Video by http://www.Bodybuilders.gr .