28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Making gains is a slow process. As such, consistency is the key. You’ve got to keep training consistently or you will stop growing. Not only that, but if you stop training, you will also lose the gains you made, and it will take even longer to make progress if you’re spending your time just regaining what you lost while you took a break!
The longer you train, the more diffIcult it gets to make progress because the adaptations your body makes cause you to become resistant to the training stimulus. It makes sense that perhaps some of those training adaptations could be reversed by taking a break, thereby allowing the muscle to become sensitive to the training stimulus again.
Not only does a break from training not cause you to lose size and strength, it has the additional benefit of resensitizing muscle to the training stimulus.
An occasional two-week break from training is good if you want to make continued progress! A “break” from training does not mean training with light weights or shortening your workouts. A break means no weight training. A reasonable schedule would be to plan a two-week break after every 12 weeks of steady training. If you aren’t training consistently, you will derive less benefits from taking a scheduled break.