28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleWith the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Exercising at home just got a lot more intense. A new wave of powerhouse fitness regimens encompassing weights, plyo drills, intervals, and a whole lot more are now being offered online or through your handheld device. And, trust us, they’re tough: You’ll not only find killer workouts that will make you sweat while sculpting you from head to toe, you’ll also get motivational tips and nutrition advice that will keep you coming back for more. Best of all, since the workouts change daily, there’s always something new to challenge you and help bring your fitness to new heights.
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DailyBurn A runaway hit that deserves the hype. Turn to DailyBurn for killer workout combinations packed with hell-on-fire plyometrics and muscle-igniting lifting to failure—all on a super-easy-to-use digital platform. Millions of exercisers turn to this channel each day to be pushed to their limits with interval cardio, supersets, intense weightlifting, and meal plans designed for performance. Start With: Black Fire 60-Day Workout with Bob Harper, Inferno 3 Weeks with Anja Garcia, and Live to Fail 90 Days with Ben BookerLog On: $12.95/month, dailyburn.com XHit Daily In a gym, in your living room, or outdoors you have the time—and now the moves—to squeeze fitness into your day. The trainers on this channel are also moms, business-women, and more who craft exercises for rapid abs, a firmer butt, and leaner thighs. Though the moves are not HIIT per se, more than 1.16 million subscribers regularly tune in for fresh, on-the-go toning. Start With: 9 Moves for a Flat StomachLog On: Free, youtube.com/user/XHitDaily
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UFC Fit Club UFC’s 2013 trainer of the year Mike Dolce combines MMA, full-body intensity training, plyometrics, and stretching to get you balanced, stronger, quicker, and sleeker in a 12-week training and nutrition program. Online subscribers can also access à la carte workouts plus UFC Gym’s Daily Ultimate Training videos. It’ll be tough, and it’s crazy what you will accomplish—but you get what you put in, in the Octagon.Start With: Day 1 of 12-week UFC Fit: Power Punch Log On: $14.99/month, ufcfit.com BodyRock.TV Lisa-Marie, head trainer and co-owner of the wildly successful BodyRock.TV, has just one mission: to get you ripped and slim with brand-new workouts, challenges, and target training every day. Best of all—it’s free! Or you can become a BodyRock Plus member to download workouts and bonus content in advance. Your body will never know what hit it, thanks to a wide variety of taxing HIIT and Tabata training programs—boost your butt, unearth those abs, and build sleeker legs in your living room. More than 844,000 YouTube subscribers agree: BodyRock.TV rocks! Start With: BodyRock HIITMax or BodyRock LeanLog On: Free, bodyrock.tv
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Peloton app for iPadIndoor cycling screams for the megawatt energy found in the Peloton app. By the makers of the eponymous indoor cycle and NYC classes, the Peloton app will make you sweat, dig deep, and pedal harder than ever. Gain instant access to 700 rides on demand and as many as 10 live rides a day, so you can spin your way to a better body.Start with: Pure PelotonLog On: Free, Apple App Store RadiusAs the newest online exercise portal on the block, Radius is competing with big players like DailyBurn. It has stepped up to the plate with such trainers as an Ironman athlete and a former Miss Black America, plus programming on NBC Sports Network. Set your cardio lifting and sculpting on fire with this all-new and intense pool of personalized exercise videos.Start with: Ironsize with Alex Isaly or Venom for Radius IV with Keoni HudobaLog On: $49.99/6 months, radiusfitness.com
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Lionsgate BeFit You’ll break a serious sweat with butt-sculpting workouts from Jillian Michaels, plus brand-new WWE, HIIT, and plyometric programs. More than 1.4 million people turn to this free channel to burn calories on the fly and build healthier habits into their daily lives. Start With: Shred 30 Day 6 Pack Abs or 30-Day Butt LiftLog On: Free, lionsgatebefit.com DVD We Love: Shaun T Insanity Max:30 For those who want a ballistic DVD set that will quickly transform your body, check out Shaun T’s latest body-fat bomb: Insanity Max:30. It’s insane! Your muscles will fail, stubborn fat will evaporate, and your body will soon get ripped. The set comes with 10 DVDs, a workout and meal plan, and absolutely no excuses. $120, plus $19.95 S&H, beachbody.com
Exercising at home just got a lot more intense. A new wave of powerhouse fitness regimens encompassing weights, plyo drills, intervals, and a whole lot more are now being offered online or through your handheld device. And, trust us, they’re tough: You’ll not only find killer workouts that will make you sweat while sculpting you from head to toe, you’ll also get motivational tips and nutrition advice that will keep you coming back for more. Best of all, since the workouts change daily, there’s always something new to challenge you and help bring your fitness to new heights.
A runaway hit that deserves the hype. Turn to DailyBurn for killer workout combinations packed with hell-on-fire plyometrics and muscle-igniting lifting to failure—all on a super-easy-to-use digital platform. Millions of exercisers turn to this channel each day to be pushed to their limits with interval cardio, supersets, intense weightlifting, and meal plans designed for performance.
Start With: Black Fire 60-Day Workout with Bob Harper, Inferno 3 Weeks with Anja Garcia, and Live to Fail 90 Days with Ben Booker
Log On: $12.95/month, dailyburn.com
XHit Daily
In a gym, in your living room, or outdoors you have the time—and now the moves—to squeeze fitness into your day. The trainers on this channel are also moms, business-women, and more who craft exercises for rapid abs, a firmer butt, and leaner thighs. Though the moves are not HIIT per se, more than 1.16 million subscribers regularly tune in for fresh, on-the-go toning.
Start With: 9 Moves for a Flat Stomach
Log On: Free, youtube.com/user/XHitDaily
UFC Fit Club
UFC’s 2013 trainer of the year Mike Dolce combines MMA, full-body intensity training, plyometrics, and stretching to get you balanced, stronger, quicker, and sleeker in a 12-week training and nutrition program. Online subscribers can also access à la carte workouts plus UFC Gym’s Daily Ultimate Training videos. It’ll be tough, and it’s crazy what you will accomplish—but you get what you put in, in the Octagon.
Start With: Day 1 of 12-week UFC Fit: Power Punch
Log On: $14.99/month, ufcfit.com
Lisa-Marie, head trainer and co-owner of the wildly successful BodyRock.TV, has just one mission: to get you ripped and slim with brand-new workouts, challenges, and target training every day. Best of all—it’s free! Or you can become a BodyRock Plus member to download workouts and bonus content in advance. Your body will never know what hit it, thanks to a wide variety of taxing HIIT and Tabata training programs—boost your butt, unearth those abs, and build sleeker legs in your living room. More than 844,000 YouTube subscribers agree: BodyRock.TV rocks!
Start With: BodyRock HIITMax or BodyRock Lean
Log On: Free, bodyrock.tv
Peloton app for iPad
Indoor cycling screams for the megawatt energy found in the Peloton app. By the makers of the eponymous indoor cycle and NYC classes, the Peloton app will make you sweat, dig deep, and pedal harder than ever. Gain instant access to 700 rides on demand and as many as 10 live rides a day, so you can spin your way to a better body.
Start with: Pure Peloton
Log On: Free, Apple App Store
As the newest online exercise portal on the block, Radius is competing with big players like DailyBurn. It has stepped up to the plate with such trainers as an Ironman athlete and a former Miss Black America, plus programming on NBC Sports Network. Set your cardio lifting and sculpting on fire with this all-new and intense pool of personalized exercise videos.
Start with: Ironsize with Alex Isaly or Venom for Radius IV with Keoni Hudoba
Log On: $49.99/6 months, radiusfitness.com
Lionsgate BeFit
You’ll break a serious sweat with butt-sculpting workouts from Jillian Michaels, plus brand-new WWE, HIIT, and plyometric programs. More than 1.4 million people turn to this free channel to burn calories on the fly and build healthier habits into their daily lives.
Start With: Shred 30 Day 6 Pack Abs or 30-Day Butt Lift
Log On: Free, lionsgatebefit.com
DVD We Love: Shaun T Insanity Max:30
For those who want a ballistic DVD set that will quickly transform your body, check out Shaun T’s latest body-fat bomb: Insanity Max:30. It’s insane! Your muscles will fail, stubborn fat will evaporate, and your body will soon get ripped. The set comes with 10 DVDs, a workout and meal plan, and absolutely no excuses. $120, plus $19.95 S&H, beachbody.com
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