28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Works: Shoulders, Chest, Core Start in a pushup position perpendicular to an exercise mat, palms placed one inch above it. Perform a pushup. At the top of the pushup, jump both legs forward over mat, so your feet land outside each of your hands. Immediately thrust your hips back, with your feet landing behind the mat and do another pushup . Perform two sets of 20 reps.Tip: Stretch your hips and shoulders before starting this exercise, for maximum power and safety!
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Works: Shoulders, Thighs Face a wall with your feet slightly wider than hip width, holding a 20-pound medicine ball at chin level, eyes looking upward. (Or ask a partner to assist you with catching the ball.) Squat down until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor. Explode upward from the bottom of the squat, throwing the ball up onto the wall, extending both arms powerfully.Catch the ball on the rebound and immediately descend into the next squat. Perform two sets of 25 reps.Tip: Go hard! Throwing with full intensity will activate your fast-twitch muscle fibers.
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Works: Arms, Core, LegsStand with feet staggered in a lunge position, left leg forward, holding a dumbbell in your left hand by your side and another dumbbell in your right hand at shoulder level. Lower your hips into a lunge until your leading thigh is parallel to the floor. Jump up, switching your legs midair and landing with your right leg in front. At the same time, bring your left hand up to shoulder level and your right hand down to your right side. Perform two sets of 20 reps each leg.Tip: The wider apart your feet are upon landing, the greater the glute activation.
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Works: Shoulders, Core, Glutes Sit faceup on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent 90 degrees, and wrists directly under your shoulders. Lift your hips so your weight is evenly supported by your hands and feet. Extend your right leg till your right thigh is parallel with your left. Quickly retract your right leg back to the floor while kicking your left leg forward. Do two sets of 30 kicks on each leg.Tip: To maximize power and help you stay balanced, keep your core engaged throughout the movement.
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Works: Biceps, LegsStand perpendicular to a bench and place your right foot on top of it; hold dumbbells at your sides with your palms facing inward.Stand up onto the bench; at the same time, curl weights toward your shoulders. With a small hop, switch legs on the bench and slowly lower down to the opposite side, keeping your left foot on top of the bench.Repeat on the opposite side, hopping up and doing a biceps curl with both arms while switching legs. Perform two sets of 20 nonstop reps (10 on each leg).Tip: This great up-and-over curl combo is an ultimate full-body move.
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Works: Shoulders, Core, LegsStart in a pushup position with your feet approximately six inches apart. Keeping your back flat, draw your left knee to your chest, initiating the movement with your core.Return to the starting position as you draw your right knee toward your chest. Pump knees quickly, in a running fashion, keeping one leg elevated throughout. Perform two sets of 100 reps.Tip: Using your abs to draw your legs in toward your chest can help to prevent your hip flexors from taking over.
Works: Shoulders, Chest, Core
Tip: Stretch your hips and shoulders before starting this exercise, for maximum power and safety!
Works: Shoulders, Thighs
Tip: Go hard! Throwing with full intensity will activate your fast-twitch muscle fibers.
Works: Arms, Core, Legs
Tip: The wider apart your feet are upon landing, the greater the glute activation.
Works: Shoulders, Core, Glutes
Tip: To maximize power and help you stay balanced, keep your core engaged throughout the movement.
Works: Biceps, Legs
Tip: This great up-and-over curl combo is an ultimate full-body move.
Works: Shoulders, Core, Legs
Tip: Using your abs to draw your legs in toward your chest can help to prevent your hip flexors from taking over.
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