To really push muscle growth and strength gains, there are two major things to focus on—training with enough intensity to stimulate changes in the muscle fibers and then recovering properly from those sessions. To maximize both, you must provide your body with the proper macro and micronutrients before you train. In addition to using a quality protein powder before and after workouts, using both Animal Rage and Animal Pak pre-workout is a good way to cover your bases.

What’s in it?

Stack up the gains with Animal products

Animal Rage (Universal)
Animal Rage

A good pre-workout supplement should enhance energy levels, boost muscle strength, and increase mental focus. For energy, Animal Rage provides caffeine, green tea extract, citrulline malate, and Schisandra chinensis, to name a few ingredients. For strength, it enlists the two most critical amino acids for the job: beta-alanine and taurine. Having higher levels of both has been shown to boost lifts. For mental focus, Animal Rage uses N-acetyl-tyrosine, choline, and vinpocetine— all of which are multi-taskers that offer far more than one benefit.

Animal Pak (Universal)
Animal Pak

Vitamins and minerals contribute strongly to recovery. Animal Pak provides ample doses for hard-training athletes, including betacarotene; the B complex; vitamins C, D, and E; along with calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iodine. Not only does Animal Pak give you a higher dose of these critical micronutrients than most multivitamins, it also offers other key ingredients to enhance recovery, growth, performance, and health. These include an amino acid complex with BCAAs, as well as a digestive enzyme complex to help your body better absorb the protein, carbs, and fat you consume. There is also choline, which helps the nervous system recover; and antioxidants, including alpha lipoic acid, lutein, lycopene, pine bark extract, and grapeseed extract to protect from free-radical damage.

The Animal Stack

Only $62.99 ($103 value)
Animal Rage (44 servings)
Animal Pak(44 paks)
Animal Stack Only $62.99 ($103 value)
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