Michael Phelps has separated himself as the greatest Olympian of all time, but that doesn’t qualify him to be part of the team, according to Dwayne Johnson. In the commercial below we have Johnson, the leader of Baywatch, putting Phelps through the gauntlet before awarding him his own shorts to seal the deal. He also describes Phelps’ Olympic competition last summer as “a kiddy pool in rio.”

Phelps is clearly ecstatic to join the legendary squad.


In all seriousness, were we putting together a real-life team, Phelps would be on speed dial. With this trailer, the last leg of the lead-up for Baywatch is in full swing. Johnson and the extremely sexy cast were down in Miami over the weekend to attend the exclusive premiere of the movie. 

The enticing red band trailer was recently released, and the Seth Gordon-directed film looks to be a great time at the theater when it’s released on May 25.