28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleEvery month, Jacked-in-a-Box (formerly the Muscle & Fitness Supplement Sampling program) ofers readers the chance to try a variety of new supplements without the expense of buying a full package of each product. In March, Jacked-in-a-Box included the following samples.
Take your training to an entirely new level with Jack3d Micro. Its precise ratio of performance- enhancing activators guarantees the ultimate pre-workout boost.
More testosterone equals bigger muscles. And NitraFlex is packed with T boosters, along with a bevy of ingredients to also spike nitric oxide levels, energy, strength—even mental focus.
Mike Chang’s Afterburn
This new pre-workout includes creatine magna power, a magnesium creatine chelate that can enhance creatine uptake by muscle cells. It also provides betaine and arginine.
While regular whey protein is already fast digesting, IsoFast is even faster. The process of micronparticulation reduces the size of the proteins for increased surface area, allowing more enzymes to attach to the protein to break it down.