28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
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Read articleTop 10 Moves for Fast Pec Growth
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This article has a very simple purpose – to discuss my favorite exercises for building a massive, thick, gnarly, complete chest. I am not going to talk about techniques, tempos, and time under tension, or mention muscle origins, insertions, genetics or hormonal manipulations. I simply want to go over my top 10 pec-punishers and why they should be a part of your chest building program.
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Why do it? Known as the “king” of upper body exercises, the barbell bench press has likely been part of more massive-pec-programs than any other movement. From Schwarzenegger to Haney, Columbo to Coleman, the bench press is just an overall awesome chest builder. Tips: Use the bench press for muscle building and not showing off. Use strict form, a full range of motion, a controlled pace and reps in a range of 8-12 for most sets.
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Why do it? Since it’s generally more difficult to thicken the upper portion of the pecs, just under the clavicles, the barbell incline press needs to have a place in every serious trainees chest routine. It’s a terrific, basic movement in which heavy loads can be lifted. I know of very few massive chests that have been created without this exercise in the mix.Tips: Make sure to bring the bar down close to, and just under, the chin to best activate the clavicular pec fibers. If you notice that your lower chest is developing much more quickly than the upper, then try leading off your pec workouts with this movement.
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Why do it? Although quite similar to barbell presses the advantage of using dumbbells is the increased range of motion allowed at the bottom of the rep. In addition, presses with DB’s are generally performed on multi-angular, adjustable benches that will allow inclines of several different levels (each hitting the chest in a slightly different way).Tips: Definitely take advantage of the increased stretch that DB’s allow for by lowering them to the sides of the chest. Press from a variety of angles to tap into every muscle fiber.
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Why do it? I personally feel that the weighted dip may rival the bench press for best overall chest movement. Exercises that have your own body physically “moving through space” have been shown to better stimulate the CNS and activate more muscle fibers. Great for targeting the lower/outer pecs.Tips: Lean the torso forward throughout the set to maximally recruit the chest rather than triceps. Lower yourself slowly to full stretch as the greatest pec-fiber-activation takes place when “pushing out of the hole.”
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Why do it? While pressing movements are of vital importance to building a big chest one should not underestimate the value of the DB Flye! This exercise allows for a much greater stretch of the pec fibers than any press, and studies prove that when a muscle is stretched under tension, several anabolic (growth producing) pathways are vigorously stimulated. Tips: Move the dumbbells slowly in a relatively wide arc until you feel a deep stretch in the pecs – from armpit to sternum. Try holding the stretch for 2-3 seconds on some of your reps. Experiment by performing this exercise from various angles – all the way from a slight decline to as high as a 60-degree incline.
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Why do it? While I do not recommend that the cable crossover ever be the “cornerstone” of any pec-pumping-program, I do feel it is certainly valuable to include. Pressing movements are awesome for handling max poundages, while flyes, as mentioned earlier, are wonderful for their ability to stretch the pecs. However, neither of them provide a strong “peak contraction” effect, which can act as another strong stimulus for growth. Tips: Some people try to use too much weight on this movement and turn it into some kind of standing press. Do not be one of them. Use moderate weights in good form, shooting for 10-15 reps per set. If your gym has a multi-angle cable station try doing this exercise from different points to stimulate unique sets of muscle fibers. Use the cable crossover for what it is truly good for and squeeze hard on every rep.
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Why do it? The pullover is unique amongst chest exercises since it is neither a form press or flye. It provides a very unique stretch for the pecs from bottom to top, and also helps expand the rib cage. This was a mainstay movement for lifters in the early days of bodybuilding when many believe that some of the best side chest poses were ever displayed. Tips: Do this exercise in “cross bench” style where you lie perpendicular, with just the upper back/shoulders resting on the bench. Drop the hips low and keep them there throughout the set. Take a deep breath as you stretch the weight back and down behind you. Keep a slight bend in the elbows at all times.
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Why do it? This exercise should only be performed by those with healthy shoulders. It is one of my favorites for attacking the upper pecs and just feels totally different from the basic incline press. The stretch that this movement provides is very intense.Tips: Make sure the shoulder joints are fully warm before doing this exercise. I normally get to it as a second or even third movement in my routine. Do not go under 8 reps in any work set, and lower the bar only as far as your shoulders will comfortably allow. Take at least 2-3 seconds on each negative contraction.
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Why do it? What is unique about this exercise is that allows for a maximum stretch and a peak contraction against resistance. In addition you can adjust the seat up or down to change the plane of motion and target different portions of the chest.Tips: Keep the elbows high and in line with the forearms throughout the set. Take full advantage of both the stretch and contraction by holding each for a second or two on every rep.
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Why do it? I have generally found Hammer Strength machines to have the best “feel” of any similar piece of equipment. The unique way they are constructed make them feel almost like you are using free weights – something in between a barbell and dumbbells. I also like that they generally allow for a “squeeze” at the top of the rep.Tips: Do not make Hammer Strength presses the foundation of your workout, but rather use it as an adjunct to basic BB or DB presses. If your gym has a variety of these machines for the chest, try them all to see which ones give you the best pump and burn. My personal favorite is the seated hammer incline press.
This article has a very simple purpose – to discuss my favorite exercises for building a massive, thick, gnarly, complete chest. I am not going to talk about techniques, tempos, and time under tension, or mention muscle origins, insertions, genetics or hormonal manipulations. I simply want to go over my top 10 pec-punishers and why they should be a part of your chest building program.
Why do it? Known as the “king” of upper body exercises, the barbell bench press has likely been part of more massive-pec-programs than any other movement. From Schwarzenegger to Haney, Columbo to Coleman, the bench press is just an overall awesome chest builder.
Tips: Use the bench press for muscle building and not showing off. Use strict form, a full range of motion, a controlled pace and reps in a range of 8-12 for most sets.
Why do it? Since it’s generally more difficult to thicken the upper portion of the pecs, just under the clavicles, the barbell incline press needs to have a place in every serious trainees chest routine. It’s a terrific, basic movement in which heavy loads can be lifted. I know of very few massive chests that have been created without this exercise in the mix.
Tips: Make sure to bring the bar down close to, and just under, the chin to best activate the clavicular pec fibers. If you notice that your lower chest is developing much more quickly than the upper, then try leading off your pec workouts with this movement.
Why do it? Although quite similar to barbell presses the advantage of using dumbbells is the increased range of motion allowed at the bottom of the rep. In addition, presses with DB’s are generally performed on multi-angular, adjustable benches that will allow inclines of several different levels (each hitting the chest in a slightly different way).
Tips: Definitely take advantage of the increased stretch that DB’s allow for by lowering them to the sides of the chest. Press from a variety of angles to tap into every muscle fiber.
Why do it? I personally feel that the weighted dip may rival the bench press for best overall chest movement. Exercises that have your own body physically “moving through space” have been shown to better stimulate the CNS and activate more muscle fibers. Great for targeting the lower/outer pecs.
Tips: Lean the torso forward throughout the set to maximally recruit the chest rather than triceps. Lower yourself slowly to full stretch as the greatest pec-fiber-activation takes place when “pushing out of the hole.”
Why do it? While pressing movements are of vital importance to building a big chest one should not underestimate the value of the DB Flye! This exercise allows for a much greater stretch of the pec fibers than any press, and studies prove that when a muscle is stretched under tension, several anabolic (growth producing) pathways are vigorously stimulated.
Tips: Move the dumbbells slowly in a relatively wide arc until you feel a deep stretch in the pecs – from armpit to sternum. Try holding the stretch for 2-3 seconds on some of your reps. Experiment by performing this exercise from various angles – all the way from a slight decline to as high as a 60-degree incline.
Why do it? While I do not recommend that the cable crossover ever be the “cornerstone” of any pec-pumping-program, I do feel it is certainly valuable to include. Pressing movements are awesome for handling max poundages, while flyes, as mentioned earlier, are wonderful for their ability to stretch the pecs. However, neither of them provide a strong “peak contraction” effect, which can act as another strong stimulus for growth.
Tips: Some people try to use too much weight on this movement and turn it into some kind of standing press. Do not be one of them. Use moderate weights in good form, shooting for 10-15 reps per set. If your gym has a multi-angle cable station try doing this exercise from different points to stimulate unique sets of muscle fibers. Use the cable crossover for what it is truly good for and squeeze hard on every rep.
Why do it? The pullover is unique amongst chest exercises since it is neither a form press or flye. It provides a very unique stretch for the pecs from bottom to top, and also helps expand the rib cage. This was a mainstay movement for lifters in the early days of bodybuilding when many believe that some of the best side chest poses were ever displayed.
Tips: Do this exercise in “cross bench” style where you lie perpendicular, with just the upper back/shoulders resting on the bench. Drop the hips low and keep them there throughout the set. Take a deep breath as you stretch the weight back and down behind you. Keep a slight bend in the elbows at all times.
Why do it? This exercise should only be performed by those with healthy shoulders. It is one of my favorites for attacking the upper pecs and just feels totally different from the basic incline press. The stretch that this movement provides is very intense.
Tips: Make sure the shoulder joints are fully warm before doing this exercise. I normally get to it as a second or even third movement in my routine. Do not go under 8 reps in any work set, and lower the bar only as far as your shoulders will comfortably allow. Take at least 2-3 seconds on each negative contraction.
Why do it? What is unique about this exercise is that allows for a maximum stretch and a peak contraction against resistance. In addition you can adjust the seat up or down to change the plane of motion and target different portions of the chest.
Tips: Keep the elbows high and in line with the forearms throughout the set. Take full advantage of both the stretch and contraction by holding each for a second or two on every rep.
Why do it? I have generally found Hammer Strength machines to have the best “feel” of any similar piece of equipment. The unique way they are constructed make them feel almost like you are using free weights – something in between a barbell and dumbbells. I also like that they generally allow for a “squeeze” at the top of the rep.
Tips: Do not make Hammer Strength presses the foundation of your workout, but rather use it as an adjunct to basic BB or DB presses. If your gym has a variety of these machines for the chest, try them all to see which ones give you the best pump and burn. My personal favorite is the seated hammer incline press.
Joe DeFranco found a new and challenging way to press “play” on a classic tune.
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