28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleWith the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Read articleA majority of the Arnold Sports Festival is dominated by competitors with bodies like Greek Gods, but let’s not forget this festival is extremely multi-faceted. In addition to the traditional pro bodybuilding competitions, the Arnold also offer amateur events, martial arts events, and even a Kids EXPO. Take a look at some of the underrated moments from this past weekends exciting festival.
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View this post on InstagramConan’s Wheel Of Pain was amazing. Great job @roguefitness #ASF2019
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New to the festival this year, was this giant contraption modeled after a mechanism in Arnold’s movie Conan the Barbarian. The total weight was 20,000 pounds and contained sand-filled wheels. Martins Licis came out victorious for being able to push the wheel 119’9” in 60 seconds.
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View this post on InstagramMan, everyone at the #arnoldclassic is cut up.
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Although most people came to the Arnold to see ridiculously proportioned people pose on stage, that doesn’t mean the Arnold is completely absent of finesse. This year marked the 16th anniversary of the Arnold Fencing Classic. The classic was compiled of 46 events on 27 strips throughout the weekend.
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Although Hafthor Bjornsson may have stole the show at the Arnold Strongman Classic by brining home the victory, let’s not forget about Mateusz Kieliszkowski. He nailed five reps of a 410-pound stone to shoulder lift which is a competition record.
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The popularity of the the first Arnold Amateur Strongwoman World Championships back in 2015 gave birth to the inaugural Arnold Pro Strongwoman competition in 2017. That being said, the amateur division still draws an excellent crowd. Here are the events that make up the Strongwoman competition.
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View this post on InstagramA post shared by James O'Neal (@jamesonealwoodart) on
James O’ Neal isn’t just a professional sculptor, but an absolute master of wood. This year he brought a sculpture of Arnold to the festival and earned himself a surprise visit from the legend himself.
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View this post on InstagramNeed more inspiration? Watch @dadanddaughterlift at the @arnoldsports kids expo. #fitnessforeveryone
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There is literally something for everyone at the Arnold Sports Festivals. For the children out there, this part of the festival is filled with contests, hands-on demonstrations, bull riding, and more.
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Although the weekend was dominated by competition, ultimately the weekend is dedicated to the celebration of fitness. That message was proven loud and clear when Miles Taylor who weights about 99 pounds was brought on stage for him to crush a 185-pound deadlift.
The musician’s star is rising rapidly as his health keeps increasingly improving.
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