28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleThe 2020 Arnold Sports Festival was an exciting weekend despite limited crowd involvement due to concerns about the potential spread of coronavirus. Athletes from all over the globe descended upon Columbus, OH to compete in everything from strongman to powerlifting and, of course, bodybuilding.
The Arnold Classic’s Battelle Grand stage saw IFBB Professional League athletes from various categories battle it out to clinch one of the biggest wins of the year, and we saw some impressive winners crowned. But just as exciting was the Arnold Classic Amateur, which saw 575 of the top amateur competitors around the world compete in hopes of earning their IFBB pro cards. The overall winners in Men’s Bodybuilding, Classic Physique, Men’s and Women’s Physique, Fitness, Figure, Bikini, and Wellness all earned their IFBB Pro status.
Click through to see the winners from each category at the 2020 Arnold Amateur.
Arnold Amateur 2020: Winners and Photos
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Courtesy Arnold Sports Festival / Darren Burns
Courtesy Arnold Sports Festival / Darren Burns
Courtesy Arnold Sports Festival / Darren Burns
Courtesy Arnold Sports Festival / Darren Burns
Courtesy Arnold Sports Festival / Darren Burns
Courtesy Arnold Sports Festival / Darren Burns
Courtesy Arnold Sports Festival / Darren Burns
Courtesy Arnold Sports Festival / Darren Burns
Courtesy Arnold Sports Festival / Darren Burns