For a booty-boosting, calorie-killing workout, nothing beats a high-intensity kickboxing routine, says IFBB bikini pro Stacey Alexander, creator of the Kickfit training program and owner of the A-Team Training Center in Las Vegas. Follow her workout below to help melt away body fat and build muscle.

Do each movement for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds. Do two sets of each exercise.

• Jumping Jack: Think of your body as an X: Swing both arms overhead while jumping both legs out to the sides.

• High Knee: Stand tall and raise one knee at a time toward your chest. Continue to alternate legs, keeping knees high.

• Air Squat: Squat down as low as you can, then stand straight up, keeping knees slightly bent and squeezing glutes. Keep body weight over heels—you should feel this in your glutes and inner thighs.

Basic Moves
Do each of the following combinations in the order given for one minute each, then switch stance to the opposite side and repeat the series.

• Air Squat: Squat down as low as you can, then stand straight up, keeping knees slightly bent and squeezing glutes. Keep body weight over heels—you should feel this in your glutes and inner thighs.

• Jab: Get into fight stance: Stand with feet staggered, left foot forward. Bring both fists to just under eye level, elbows close to sides. Punch straight ahead with left fist, then snap fist back to start. Jab only left arm.

• Cross: Remaining in fight stance, punch right hand across the body, using the strength in your hips to power the movement, pivoting off your back foot. This is your powerful “knockout” punch. Retract arm and hips and repeat.

• Uppercut: Begin punch at waist level and continue in an upward motion as though aiming to punch some­one under the chin. Use the power from your hips to drive the punch.

• Hook: From fight stance, bend right elbow 90 degrees out to side== and punch to the left in a horizontal arc, as if targeting your opponent’s chin. You’ll feel the movement in your core muscles and shoulder.

• Knee strike: From fight stance, bring your back knee up toward your chest, similar to the high-knee warmup. While throwing the knee strike, lift arms as if grabbing your opponent behind the neck and bringing your knee toward her face.

Cardio Strength
• Burpee: From standing, place hands on floor and jump feet back to pushup position. Do a pushup, then jump hands toward feet, landing in a squat. Jump up, straightening legs, then land in squat. Repeat one minute.

• Skater: Stand with right foot forward, left foot slightly behind. Jump explosively to left about four feet, landing softly on left foot. Jump quickly onto right foot, like a speed skater. Swing arms across your body to create momentum. Repeat one minute.

• Front Kick: From fight stance, left foot forward, drive right knee to hip height and kick right leg forward quickly, exhaling. Do one minute on right, then switch stance and legs.

Kickfit Combos
Begin each combination in fight stance. Do each for one minute, then repeat on opposite side. Rest as little as possible between combos.

• Left jab, right cross, jumping jack (2 times)

• Left jab, right cross, left jab, right cross, squat two times

• Right knee strike (2 times), left uppercut, right uppercut, left hook

• Jumping jack (2 times), left jab, right cross, left jab, right cross, jumping jack (2 times), right jab, left cross, right jab, left cross

• Right knee strike, right-side kick, left jab, right cross, left jab

• Left jab, right uppercut (2 times), left hook, left jab (4 times)

Photography by: Shannon Warf