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The Ultimate 10-minute Energy Booster

Fitness, anytime, anywhere with this speedy workout from trainer Luke Andrus.

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Instant Muscle: Power Up with the Superman Pushup
Per Bernal / M+F Magazine
Instant Muscle: Power Up with the Superman Pushup
Per Bernal / M+F Magazine

Whether it’s 10 minutes or two hours, any workout is worth the time you put into it.

That’s the mantra of Luke Andrus, franchise consultant and director of training at Anytime Fitness headquarters in St. Paul, MN. Because, let’s face it, 40- to 50-hour work weeks and family life leave little time for a long detailed workout for a lot of us. But it doesn’t mean anyone has to scrap the idea of getting in shape—you adapt and get done when and where you can.

According to Andrus, not every workout has to be a marathon session nor does it need to include next best thing on the fitness market to get you in shape.

“A lot of people at Anytime Fitness aren’t bodybuilders,” Andrus says. “A good number of our clients are looking for quick, convenient workouts like this one.”

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An effective fat-burning, strength-building workout is as simple as a pushup and bodyweight lunge. And Andrus’ 10-minute energy booster workout, which can be found on the Anytime Fitness app, hits all the major muscles, making it an easy, efficient, and effective workout that you can do at home, in a park, practically anywhere.

“It’s all bodyweight. All you would need is a bench,” Andrus says.

Directions: Perform each exercise for 60 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. The workout should take 10 minutes. If you have more energy, add another round.

“Ideally, there are four patterns of movement here,” Andrus says. “You’re gonna see an upper-body push, upper-body pull, a hip hingement, and a knee-hinge movement.” 

Exercise how-to: 

  • Lunge Twist: Stand upright with your arms by your sides. Take a step forward, dropping your back toward the floor, and raise your arms up in front to shoulder height. Twist your head, shoulders, and torso to one side, then twist back to the center and push off your front foot to return to the start position.
  • Incline Pushup to T: Support your body on your toes and hands with your elbows bent and your hands up on a step or bar. Push up to a straight-arm position, then raise one hand to the ceiling while rotating your body to the same side. Lower your body back to the start position and repeat, reaching up to the opposite side. Alternate sides with each rep.
  • Stepup Balance: Stand upright with one foot on a step or bench with your arms at your sides. Step onto the bench by pushing down on your front foot, then raise your other leg up with a 90° angle at the knee. Step off the bench onto the back foot and repeat. Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side.
  • Star Side Bridge Knee In:  Support your body on your side on one knee and one forearm with your other leg straight out and the other arm straight up overhead. Bend your top knee toward your chest and bring your top elbow down to meet this knee. Maintain your balance on other knee and forearm. Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side.
  • Ice Skater: Start in a semi-squat with one leg stretched out to the side. Push off your front leg, jumping to the other side and switching your other leg out to the side. Use arms in a swinging motion. Alternate sides with each rep.
  • Standing Side Crunch: Stand upright with one arm raised overhead and the same side foot out to the side.  Lower your elbow as you also raise the same side knee up to meet in the middle. Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side.
  • Swimming Superman:  Lie facedown on the floor with your legs straight and your arms overhead, palms down. Raise your upper body and legs together about 18 inches off the floor and swing your arms back by your sides, with palms up. Hold this position briefly, then lower yourself back to the start position and repeat.
  • Four-part Crunch: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat, hands at the sides of your head. Raise your feet off the floor, brining your knees in toward your chest. Lift your head and shoulders off the floor, bringing your elbows toward your knees. Lower your head and shoulders back to the floor. Lower your feet back to the floor.
  • Pike Pushup: Place your feet and hands on the floor with your elbows bent and your hips high up into the air. Push up to the start position with your arms straight. Bend at the elbows, lowering your head and repeat.
  • Glute Stretch: Stand upright with your arms by your sides. Raise one knee up to your waist, rotating the ankle up to your opposite hip and placing one hand on your knee and one side on your ankle. Perform on one side, then switch to the other side. Alternate sides with each rep.

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Want a copy on the go?

10-Minute Energy Booster

Exercise 1 of 10

Twisting Lunge

60 sec.
Exercise 5 of 10


60 sec.
Exercise 9 of 10

Pike Pushup

60 sec.
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