28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Read articleThe 2015 Spring Product Guide: Intra-Workout Supplements
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With summer fast approaching, it’s time to start looking good, and everything else that comes with it, using our 2015 Spring Product Guide as the cheat sheet to do so. Featuring the latest innovations in gear, grooming, and sports nutrition, the guide has been several months in the making.Here at M&F, we’re on a constant patrol for cutting-edge products, and we subsequently put those products through the ringer. From there, we whittle down the best of the best—the ones that not only work well but also hold up over the long haul. You can be sure that everything here will serve to make you either look good, feel good, or perform better. Get ready to build more muscle, burn more fat, recover faster, and look your best with these new intra-workout supplements.Looking for more supplements and the latest in workout gear? Be sure to check out our 2015 pre-workout supplements, post-workout supplements, and workout gadgets and gear.
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BPI SPORTSThis BCAA supp puts the kibosh on catabolism. BPI took the big three—leucine, isoleucine, and valine, and bonded them into an oligopeptide through a proprietary process—which may enhance the onset time and increase bioavailability. Comes in Blue Raspberry and Watermelon Ice.GNC.com
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MHPMHP souped up BCAAs with an anabolic 10:1:1 formula that’s front-loaded with the most important BCAA, leucine. That, teamed with caffeine from natural sources, produces energy and focus.mhpstrong.com
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CUTLER NUTRITIONFrom the signature line of four-time Mr. Olympia champion Jay Cutler, this blend of creatine, leucine, and beta-alanine combines to increase
strength, give a better, longer-lasting pump, and ignite protein synthesis.GNC.com
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ALRIHumaPro’s amino acid matrix—featuring L-tyrosine, L-cystine, L-leucine malate, and L-valine—is engineered to outperform whey, fish, and beef when it comes to lean mass production. The predigested blend is easy on your stomach and won’t cause bloating.alrindustries.com
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EPIQGet the most out of every weight-training or cardio session with your very first serving. With a 4.3-gram dose of silk amino acids—which are naturally water soluble for superfast absorption, Epiq Amino also provides BCAAs in a 2:1:1 ratio to stop muscle breakdown before it can hamper your gains.GNC.com
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SCIVATIONLike Xtend Go, Xtend RTD packs a robust 7 grams of BCAAs, this time in the form of a more convenient bottled drink. The proven 2:1:1 BCAA ratio (leucine to valine to isoleucine) will recover muscles more quickly than just a boost of leucine, and you won’t hurt for taste with
Green Apple and Watermelon options.scivation.com
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BODY FORTRESSEnhance hydration and keep strength levels high during workouts with efficacious doses of BCAAs, L-glutamine, and L-carnitine tartrate.bodyfortress.com
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SCIVATIONXtend provides 7 grams of a 2:1:1 ratio of BCAAs, 2.5 grams of glutamine, 1 gram of citrulline malate, and electrolytes, helping facilitate new muscle construction, increase workout volume, and improve recovery.GNC.com
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ANIMALIn addition to BCAAs, Juiced Aminos is loaded with strength- and focus-boosting aminos citrulline and taurine. Arginine boosts nitric oxide, and glutamine speeds recovery.animalpak.com
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SCIVATIONFocusing on the importance of BCAAs in your diet, Xtend Go is a quick, on-the-go energy booster in between meals that includes 7 grams
of BCAAs—including L-leucine, L-isoleucine, and L-valine—plus a power punch of caffeine, all at a no-calorie cost. Comes in flavors Fruit Punch and Mango Nectar.GNC.com
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MUSCLETECHOne study showed the ingredients in Amino Build’s sugarless formula made of freeform BCAAs, betaine, and taurine helped lifters increase their five-rep maxes by 40% over 12 weeks.muscletech.com
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GNC PRO PERFORMANCEThere’s no guessing when amino dosing with 5,000mg of BCAAs, in a 3:1:1 ratio of leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Get a kick of energy and turn your body anabolic any time.GNC.com
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RIVALUSWhen you’re 10 sets deep and feel like you’ve hit a wall, Steam will push you to the end. This powder provides BCAAs in a 2:1:1 ratio (with leucine on top), plus glutamine, L-citrulline, and citrulline malate.rivalus.net
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ALRIOne 10g scoop offers a jump-start without the “pins and needles” feeling you’ve come to know and loathe. Using its PerformActiv proprietary matrix blend, Chain’d Out’s BCAA configuration can help you fend off catabolism and avoid gluconeogenesis. Plus, its gluten-free vegan formula makes it a versatile option for everyone.alrindustries.com
With summer fast approaching, it’s time to start looking good, and everything else that comes with it, using our 2015 Spring Product Guide as the cheat sheet to do so. Featuring the latest innovations in gear, grooming, and sports nutrition, the guide has been several months in the making.
Here at M&F, we’re on a constant patrol for cutting-edge products, and we subsequently put those products through the ringer. From there, we whittle down the best of the best—the ones that not only work well but also hold up over the long haul. You can be sure that everything here will serve to make you either look good, feel good, or perform better. Get ready to build more muscle, burn more fat, recover faster, and look your best with these new intra-workout supplements.
Looking for more supplements and the latest in workout gear? Be sure to check out our 2015 pre-workout supplements, post-workout supplements, and workout gadgets and gear.
This BCAA supp puts the kibosh on catabolism. BPI took the big three—leucine, isoleucine, and valine, and bonded them into an oligopeptide through a proprietary process—which may enhance the onset time and increase bioavailability. Comes in Blue Raspberry and Watermelon Ice.
MHP souped up BCAAs with an anabolic 10:1:1 formula that’s front-loaded with the most important BCAA, leucine. That, teamed with caffeine from natural sources, produces energy and focus.
From the signature line of four-time Mr. Olympia champion Jay Cutler, this blend of creatine, leucine, and beta-alanine combines to increase
strength, give a better, longer-lasting pump, and ignite protein synthesis.
HumaPro’s amino acid matrix—featuring L-tyrosine, L-cystine, L-leucine malate, and L-valine—is engineered to outperform whey, fish, and beef when it comes to lean mass production. The predigested blend is easy on your stomach and won’t cause bloating.
Get the most out of every weight-training or cardio session with your very first serving. With a 4.3-gram dose of silk amino acids—which are naturally water soluble for superfast absorption, Epiq Amino also provides BCAAs in a 2:1:1 ratio to stop muscle breakdown before it can hamper your gains.
Like Xtend Go, Xtend RTD packs a robust 7 grams of BCAAs, this time in the form of a more convenient bottled drink. The proven 2:1:1 BCAA ratio (leucine to valine to isoleucine) will recover muscles more quickly than just a boost of leucine, and you won’t hurt for taste with
Green Apple and Watermelon options.
Enhance hydration and keep strength levels high during workouts with efficacious doses of BCAAs, L-glutamine, and L-carnitine tartrate.
Xtend provides 7 grams of a 2:1:1 ratio of BCAAs, 2.5 grams of glutamine, 1 gram of citrulline malate, and electrolytes, helping facilitate new muscle construction, increase workout volume, and improve recovery.
In addition to BCAAs, Juiced Aminos is loaded with strength- and focus-boosting aminos citrulline and taurine. Arginine boosts nitric oxide, and glutamine speeds recovery.
Focusing on the importance of BCAAs in your diet, Xtend Go is a quick, on-the-go energy booster in between meals that includes 7 grams
of BCAAs—including L-leucine, L-isoleucine, and L-valine—plus a power punch of caffeine, all at a no-calorie cost. Comes in flavors Fruit Punch and Mango Nectar.
One study showed the ingredients in Amino Build’s sugarless formula made of freeform BCAAs, betaine, and taurine helped lifters increase their five-rep maxes by 40% over 12 weeks.
There’s no guessing when amino dosing with 5,000mg of BCAAs, in a 3:1:1 ratio of leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Get a kick of energy and turn your body anabolic any time.
When you’re 10 sets deep and feel like you’ve hit a wall, Steam will push you to the end. This powder provides BCAAs in a 2:1:1 ratio (with leucine on top), plus glutamine, L-citrulline, and citrulline malate.
One 10g scoop offers a jump-start without the “pins and needles” feeling you’ve come to know and loathe. Using its PerformActiv proprietary matrix blend, Chain’d Out’s BCAA configuration can help you fend off catabolism and avoid gluconeogenesis. Plus, its gluten-free vegan formula makes it a versatile option for everyone.
Why this T-booster by Inno Supps is head and shoulders above the rest.
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