We all know that protein is essential. It comprises approximately twenty percent of lean mass and organ tissue and behind water is the largest component of the body. Protein is in every cell and provides the primary building material for bones, skin, cartilage and most importantly, as it relates to this guide, muscles. It also produces hormones and enzymes that regulate and protect the chemical reactions in the body.

Unlike carbohydrates and fats which function to provide the body with energy, protein’s primary roles are to repair, rebuild, and replace protein in the cells which catabolize (break down) throughout the day. What’s more, exercise speeds up protein catabolism, especially in muscles. For that reason, active individuals should pay close attention to the amount of protein in their diets, as well as the quality of that protein. No other macronutrient is more essential to muscle growth and size, recovery, body composition and in some cases sports performance than protein.

Individuals who supplement with protein powders to meet daily requirements often have many questions that include: When do I take them? How many grams of protein do I need? What kind do I take?

In this comprehensive protein guide—provided by NutraBio and available on MuscleandFitness.com starting May 1st—these questions will be answered along with others by covering the following topics:

Part 1: The Different Types of Protein, Who They Are Best For, and When to Take Them

Part 2: Individual Protein Requirements

Part 3: Women and Protein

Part 4: Debunking Protein Myths

Part 5: Protein Labels and Scams

Part 6: Other Supplements that Stack Well with Protein

Part 7: Protein Guide Take Home Points

The information presented in this guide can serve as an excellent resource for anyone interested in health and fitness, from gym goers to athletes to the weekend warrior. It will answer many of your protein related questions and teach you everything you need to know about this mighty macronutrient.

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The content was supplied and sponsored by NutraBio. For more on NutraBio, visit www.nutrabio.com.

These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professional. Consult with a health-care professional before starting any diet/nutrition, exercise, or supplementation program.