Bodybuilder and celebrity trainer Eric Janicki is committed to providing his clients with great results, but you don’t need to live in Hollywood or be on a film star’s salary to get his advice. Janicki’s millions of social media followers regularly check-in with the big guy for killer workouts and in a recent Instagram post, the ‘transformation specialist’ shares some of the secrets of his shoulder success.

Janicki is massively muscular, and he’s added width to his frame by surging his shoulder growth with a simple yet thorough approach, hitting all of the major muscle groups in his shoulder with intensity. Try it for yourself.

Eric Janicki’s 4-Move Full Shoulder Workout

Eric Janicki’s Full Shoulder Workout Breakdown

Janicki begins his change-making session with lying cable Y-raises, hitting the front, rear, and lateral (side) delts. You will also build your traps and rhomboids too. “Anchor the cable at hip height, lie on a flat bench with shoulder blades hanging off (the bench),” explains Janicki. “Keep your arms slightly bent and raise them in a ‘Y’ shape. Stop just before your hands reach your ears to keep tension.”

Second is the Smith machine seated incline shoulder press. Janicki likes to go steep on the incline to target his front delts more efficiently. “Set the bench to a 75- to 85-degree incline for optimal shoulder targeting,” the coach told his more than 1.5 million Instagram followers. “Keep your wrists stacked directly under the bar for better control. Lower the bar to just below chin level, keeping your elbows slightly forward to protect your shoulders. Press up in a straight line without locking out fully to maintain tension.”

Third-up is another front delt taxer, as Janicki executes reps while in a supine (lying) position on the incline bench. “Lie front facing on an incline bench and grab the cables with palms facing up,” explains the man-mountain. “Keep your arms at 170 degrees and raise the handles to shoulder height, engaging your front delts. Control the movement and pause slightly at the top for peak activation. Avoid shrugging.”

For his finisher, Janicki blasts his front and side delts once more with reps on the incline bench, performing the dumbbell lateral raise. Want to get those perfect ‘boulder’ shoulders? This is the move for you: “Sit on an incline bench and let the dumbbells hang by your sides,” he explains. “Lead with your elbows, raising the dumbbells to shoulder height. Keep your arms slightly bent and avoid swinging or using momentum. Stop at shoulder level and lower with control to maximize lateral delt activation.”

For maximum gains, go heavy but don’t lose form. Aim for failure, or very close to failure, in the 8 to 12 rep range, completing 3 sets per exercise.

Follow Eric Janicki on Instagram!