Few moves build lower-body strength and increase the force of your hip drive better than the hip thrust. That means adding banded hip thrusts into your routine can translate to stronger squats and deadlifts.

And even if you already thrust like crazy (in the gym—get your head out of the gutter), simply changing the modes of resistance—like adding bands to the mix—can unleash new benefits. In this case, the payoff is improved range of motion and efficiency in the movement. Sure, heavy hip thrusts increase strength and size, but thrusting too much weight will lead to improper form, which can result in injury and lackluster results in other compound lifts.

Not only are bands easier on your body since you don’t have to load a barbell across your hips, but they also provide resistance throughout the whole motion, not just the top or bottom. This means that your body has to fight back for You can also loop it around the entire duration of the move, which forces your body to react by keeping everything tight and in a straight line. This will not only optimize your range of motion but also bolster your efficiency at performing hip thrusts (after all, practice makes perfect) 

So, master this movement for stinger hips and flutes better lifts, and any other activity that includes thrusting. But we’ll let you figure that out on your own. 

How to Do It

1. Grab a super band and loop each end around a dumbbell (the heavier the better). You can also loop it around either end of a power rack, with a bench set in the middle. The band should be taut. 

2. Once the band is set up, get under it so it’s as your belt line. Place your shoulder blades on a bench or plyo box, then thrust your hips off of the floor, driving through your heels. Be sure to hold the contraction at the top of the movement for once second.