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Read articleGone are the days in which women were relegated to playing on-screen damsels in distress. In 2017, female superheroes dominated the big screen in nearly every superhero flick that hit theaters.
The super-heroine phenomenon has been percolating for years, but it officially reached its watershed moment with the success of Wonder Woman, which became history’s biggest superhero origin story film, biggest female-directed film, and the biggest film in the DC Extended Universe. Even better? While everyone seemed to be talking about Wonder Woman all summer long—and for good reason—plenty of other female heroes made appearances both on the big screen and on TV this year.
Click through to check out some of the most badass female heroes of film and TV in 2017.
Spoiler note: This gallery contains details that may be spoilers if you haven’t watched these shows or movies.
The Most Badass Female Heroes of Film and TV in 2017
Close gallery popup buttonCourtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures
Marvel Studios 2017
Walt Disney Pictures
Dean Buscher / ©2017 The CW Network, LLC.
Sarah Shatz / Netflix
Myles Aronowitz / Netflix
Chuck Zlotnick / Marvel Studios 2017
Marvel Studios 2017
ABC / Matthias Clemer