28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Per Bernal
Slow and steady don’t always win. To keep your body constantly progressing, it’s also good to shock your muscles every once in a while with some dynamic movements. That’s where plyo-based strength moves come in. “You need to recruit your fast-twitch muscle fibers to build a functional, powerful physique,” explains Gino Caccavale, Hers technical adviser. Exercises like these are perfect for building explosive strength. Add one of these high-intensity moves for each body part into your training, or try them all together for one powerful routine. WWE Superstar Alexa Bliss shows us how it’s done. Check out the rest of the workout moves in our September/October issue, on newsstands now!SEE ALSO: Get Muscle & Fitness Hers’ September/October Issue
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Per Bernal
WORKS: Triceps, Chest, Core Begin in a full pushup position with each hand on weight plates positioned a few inches wider than shoulder-distance apart. (You can also use two yoga blocks or step benches positioned vertically instead of plates.)Pushing off plates, explode up, then land between plates with hands a few inches apart.Lower into a narrow (triceps) pushup, elbows close to sides.Push explosively off floor and land with hands wide apart on plates.Keeping elbows soft, immediately lower into wide pushup and repeat sequence.Do 2 sets of 10 reps (total of 20 pushups, 10 wide and 10 narrow). SEE ALSO: Get To Know Wwe’s Alexa Bliss
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Per Bernal
WORKS: Core, Quads, Hamstrings Sit holding a barbell across your upper back, feet shoulder-width apart on the floor.Rock torso back a few inches, then rock forward a few degrees past perpendicular.Jump explosively to a standing position, then lower back to bench and repeat.Do 2 sets of 20 reps. SEE ALSO: 7 Things You Didn’t Know About Wwe’s Alexa Bliss
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Per Bernal
WORKS: Shoulders, Biceps, Core, Quads, Hamstrings; Warmup Stand with legs staggered, right foot on bench or box and left foot behind you. Hold light dumbbells with arms at sides, palms in. Bring left hand forward to about chest height, elbow bent 90 degrees, and right hand back and close to ribs, elbow bent 90 degrees. Explosively switch legs and arms, pushing off top foot so left foot is now on bench and right hand is forward. Continue, switching sides. Do 2 sets of 20 reps per side. SEE ALSO: Switch To Full-Body Workouts
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Per Bernal
WORKS: Biceps, Glutes,Abductors, Quads, CalvesStand with feet shoulder-distance apart, holding weights at sides. Lower into a curtsy lunge, bringing left leg diagonally behind right; bend right knee, keeping knee aligned over ankle. At the same time, curl both weights toward chest.Bring arms back to sides, then jump to the left, bringing left leg forward and right leg diagonally behind left, with left knee bent. Do another biceps curl with both arms. Continue, switching sides, keeping tempo.Do 2 sets of 15 reps per side. SEE ALSO: 7 Things You Didn’t Know About WWE’s Alexa Bliss
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Per Bernal
WORKS: Glutes, Abductors (Outer Thighs)Stand holding a kettlebell at the handles near your chin. Keep feet slightly wider than shoulder-distance apart.Squat down until elbows touch thighs.Jump up, pushing legs out to sides as you explode off floor. Keep weight in front of chest. Land softly, feet wide, and immediately descend into squat.Do 2 sets of 25 reps.
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Per Bernal
WORKS: Shoulders, LegsHold dumbbells at shoulder height, elbows bent about 90 degrees with palms facing in.Explode arms upward while simultaneously dropping into a lunge with left leg back, right foot forward.Push off right leg to return to standing while lowering weight back to shoulders. Switch sides and repeat.Do 2 sets of 10 reps per side.
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Per Bernal
WORKS: Back, CoreSet bar on a Smith machine or rack to about hip height. Position yourself underneath bar in an overhand grip with arms and legs extended, heels on floor.Pull chest toward bar; immediately release hands, then regrip bar.Lower back to start position without sagging hips. (Keep knees, hips, and shoulders in one line.)Do 3 sets of 15 reps. SEE ALSO: The Best Full-Body Workout At Home
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Per Bernal
WORKS: Arms, Abs Begin in a full plank position with hands on floor and a medicine ball under chest.Push off floor explosively, landing with hands on ball.Keeping core tight, pop arms back to floor, landing back in full plank.Do 2 sets of 10 reps. SEE ALSO: Four Weeks to Six Pack Abs
Slow and steady don’t always win. To keep your body constantly progressing, it’s also good to shock your muscles every once in a while with some dynamic movements. That’s where plyo-based strength moves come in. “You need to recruit your fast-twitch muscle fibers to build a functional, powerful physique,” explains Gino Caccavale, Hers technical adviser. Exercises like these are perfect for building explosive strength. Add one of these high-intensity moves for each body part into your training, or try them all together for one powerful routine. WWE Superstar Alexa Bliss shows us how it’s done. Check out the rest of the workout moves in our September/October issue, on newsstands now!
SEE ALSO: Get Muscle & Fitness Hers’ September/October Issue
WORKS: Triceps, Chest, Core
SEE ALSO: Get To Know Wwe’s Alexa Bliss
WORKS: Core, Quads, Hamstrings
WORKS: Shoulders, Biceps, Core, Quads, Hamstrings; Warmup
SEE ALSO: Switch To Full-Body Workouts
WORKS: Biceps, Glutes,Abductors, Quads, Calves
WORKS: Glutes, Abductors (Outer Thighs)
WORKS: Shoulders, Legs
WORKS: Back, Core
SEE ALSO: The Best Full-Body Workout At Home
WORKS: Arms, Abs
SEE ALSO: Four Weeks to Six Pack Abs
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