I get your frustration, I do. But renting hot “wing women” to help you score sounds like the plot of a dopey rom-com. 

There are so many things that make a guy more appealing to us than seeing other women hanging on him: brains, self-assurance, a sense of humor, a decent job, the ability to have a thoughtful conversation. Sure, some girls might pay more attention to a guy who comes off as a chick magnet—but just as many (I’m betting more) will peg him as a ladies’ man and be instantly turned off. 

Truth is, despite what all those brainless pickup books tell you, women aren’t really the mystery you guys think we are. You don’t need an elaborate bag of tricks to impress us. Be confident. Be well-read. Know how to have fun. Get a job you care about. Have outside interests that are actually interesting.

Then the next time you go out with your regular, non-paid-for pals, relax (don’t get plastered) and be nice to the people near you. Talk to girls like they’re real people, not prizes you’re trying to win.

But try to impress them or act all “cool,” and you’ll just come off as sketchy.

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