Do your quarantine goals include obtaining a shredded six-pack, or unmatched core strength? The abdominal gods are here to help you.

Many of us are exploring bodyweight workouts while sheltering in place. Thankfully, there were already plenty of bodyweight moves that train abs and obliques to a phenomenal effect — so much that you’ll want to keep them as part of your routine even when you can return to your trusty gym and its iron-clad equipment (whenever that will be).

The crunch machine will work just fine, but these moves have withstood the test of time and are proven to get you the results you’re after.

If you’re still looking for a regimen to get you shredded, Don Saladino, superstar trainer of celebrities like Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman and David Harbour, shares this complete ab routine that he’s used on himself and his clients for years. This workout is full of moves that seem simple, but are plenty challenging, helping you get your core feeling sore and looking cut for swimsuit season.

“This, really was kind of a go-to program for me,” Saladino says, adding it’s a standard routine when he does focused ab work. “Movements like the plank slide, they look so simple but they’re so difficult. The Copenhagen plank, when you’re raising that leg in that side plank position, you’re just feeling everything in your hip and glute engage.” You’ll find the Copenhagen plank fires up a challenging amount of tension in your abdominal wall.

The Hollywood trainer also offers a hack for plank slides if you’re missing sliding discs: you can use washcloths on hardwood floors or paper plates on carpet. For the hanging leg raises, you can modify with a bear crawl if you don’t have a bar.

For this you’re going to do the exercise as prescribed, one right after the other with no rest. When you’ve done them all rest for about two minutes, then start over for your second round. Try to do three to four rounds.

Don Saladino’s Ab Workout 3-4 rounds
Exercise Reps
Hanging Leg Exercise or Bear Crawl 10
Plank with Pull Through 10
Lateral offset Push-up 20-30 seconds each side
Reverse Crunch to Raise 10