28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Edgar Artiga
If you’ve followed our nutrition guide in Part I, then you should be pretty lean at this point in the RHC. And if you’re hovering close to 10% body fat, you’re in a prime position to get that shredded look. But achieving that polished, fitness-model physique requires an extra level of precision and detail, which is why we had celebrity trainer Don Saladino outline the five strategies he employed to get Ryan Reynolds into superhero shape for Deadpool.Allow seven days to peak, and at the end of the week your skin should tighten up, and your abs will have more of that protruding look.
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To clean out your system, you need to flush it with H20 and then taper your consumption to slowly, but safely, draw the water out between your skin and the muscle. The result is a dry look, which showcases the finer details of your abs. Let’s say you start on Sunday. Begin by drinking three gallons of water daily up to Wednesday. Then cut your intake to 2.5 gallons, and then cut it again on Thursday to 1.75 gallons.On Friday, take in 0.75 gallons, and then have no more than 16 ounces of water on Saturday. Sip it throughout the day to keep you sane. On the day of your event, keep water intake to a minimum until you snap the pic.
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“For the last week you have to cut out all dairy, gluten, and legumes,” Saladino says. Foods like these contain allergens, which will cause you to bloat and retain water—not a good move when you’re trying to make sure your abs are popping at the end of a week.
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To look good, you have to feel good, according to Saladino. When you’re stressed out, cortisol—a hormone produced by the adrenal gland that spikes in high-stress situations—can negatively impact your blood-sugar levels, halting your body’s fat-burning ability. “You want to feel relaxed throughout this final week,” says Saladino, who suggests meditation, sleeping seven to nine hours, and getting a sports massage to improve circulation, put you in a good mood, and keep your hormones in check.
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“Save your carbs for after your workout and before bed,” says Saladino. “Stick with veggies and lean protein in the morning so your blood sugar doesn’t spike, which stops your body from using fat for fuel.” Consume the bulk of your carbs after your workout so those carbs are put to use, and then another 20 to 30 grams at night for a better quality night’s rest.
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“A lot of people are talking about high-fat diets nowadays, which are fine. But if you want to get extra lean, extra fat isn’t going to help,” says Saladino. Fat packs nine calories per gram, so eat only grilled chicken and white fish as your fat sources during this week.
If you’ve followed our nutrition guide in Part I, then you should be pretty lean at this point in the RHC. And if you’re hovering close to 10% body fat, you’re in a prime position to get that shredded look. But achieving that polished, fitness-model physique requires an extra level of precision and detail, which is why we had celebrity trainer Don Saladino outline the five strategies he employed to get Ryan Reynolds into superhero shape for Deadpool.
Allow seven days to peak, and at the end of the week your skin should tighten up, and your abs will have more of that protruding look.
To clean out your system, you need to flush it with H20 and then taper your consumption to slowly, but safely, draw the water out between your skin and the muscle. The result is a dry look, which showcases the finer details of your abs. Let’s say you start on Sunday. Begin by drinking three gallons of water daily up to Wednesday. Then cut your intake to 2.5 gallons, and then cut it again on Thursday to 1.75 gallons.
On Friday, take in 0.75 gallons, and then have no more than 16 ounces of water on Saturday. Sip it throughout the day to keep you sane. On the day of your event, keep water intake to a minimum until you snap the pic.
“For the last week you have to cut out all dairy, gluten, and legumes,” Saladino says. Foods like these contain allergens, which will cause you to bloat and retain water—not a good move when you’re trying to make sure your abs are popping at the end of a week.
To look good, you have to feel good, according to Saladino. When you’re stressed out, cortisol—a hormone produced by the adrenal gland that spikes in high-stress situations—can negatively impact your blood-sugar levels, halting your body’s fat-burning ability. “You want to feel relaxed throughout this final week,” says Saladino, who suggests meditation, sleeping seven to nine hours, and getting a sports massage to improve circulation, put you in a good mood, and keep your hormones in check.
“Save your carbs for after your workout and before bed,” says Saladino. “Stick with veggies and lean protein in the morning so your blood sugar doesn’t spike, which stops your body from using fat for fuel.” Consume the bulk of your carbs after your workout so those carbs are put to use, and then another 20 to 30 grams at night for a better quality night’s rest.
“A lot of people are talking about high-fat diets nowadays, which are fine. But if you want to get extra lean, extra fat isn’t going to help,” says Saladino. Fat packs nine calories per gram, so eat only grilled chicken and white fish as your fat sources during this week.
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